The British Empire Has NATO Missiles Aimed at Russia & China

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New International Economic OrderAmerican Credit SystemLondon-Saudi Global TerrorStop WWIII

The British Empire Is Un-Masked, But Desperate

Dr. David Kelly. “Suicided” after testifying against Blair’s “sexed up dossier” that lead to the Iraq War.



The British Imperial Lords are in a state of shock. Their frantic effort to save the Empire came crashing down Tuesday when the scientists at Porton Down refused to lie for the Empire — refused to say that the nerve agent in the Skripal case came from Russia. Recall that it was David Kelly, the head of the Defence Microbiology Division at Porton Down and a member of the inspection team in Iraq, who blew the whistle on Tony Blair’s “sexed up” dossier claiming that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction. As a scientist he refused to lie. Kelly was “suicided” as a result, and the illegal and genocidal war went on.

This time, neither George W. Bush nor Barack Obama are around to provide cover for the Empire’s lies. President Trump, to the dismay of the British and American oligarchs and press whores, has refused to say (or tweet) a word about the Russian role in the Skripal case. He spoke to Putin afrter the incident without mentioning it, and, just yesterday, told the press yet again that “getting along with Russia is a good thing, not a bad thing.”

The Empire is exposed, and badly wounded — but not yet dead, and therefore capable of anything to save itself. Lyndon LaRouche has for fifty years warned Americans and others that the British Empire is not a thing of the past, but is at the center of the financial looting and speculation which has driven the western financial system to the brink of ruin, while manipulating the “dumb giant” in Washington to fight colonial wars on its behalf, first in Indochina, then in the Middle East. He has also warned that the Empire would prefer a global war, even a thermonuclear war, rather than see their Empire disappear.

Helga Zepp-LaRouche today focused attention on this deadly reality. The Russiagate campaign collapsed, and its perpetrators in MI6 and in the Obama intelligence team are now facing criminal charges for their treasonous acts. Theresa May’s controllers then desperately launched the Skripal incident, and demanded that the Western nations join in blaming Russia, with no evidence whatsoever. Only half the EU nations went along, and, while Trump allowed his Administration to expel Russian diplomats, he himself laid no blame on the Russians, and announced that Moscow could replace their diplomats.

But now, the U.K.’s own chemical weapons experts have exposed the evil and dangeroous lying of Prime Minister May and her buffoon of a Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson. Hysteria reigns in London today. Will the Empire take even more desperate actions, by starting a war? Will they use the impending collapse of the multi-trillion dollar speculative bubble in the western financial system, which they created, to that end?

The LaRouche platform — for restoring American System methods and scientific progress in the U.S., and for the U.S. to join the New Silk Road, working with China and Russia in global nation building, as the United States once espoused — must be embraced and fought for now, today, by every person of good will. The Empire is near defeat, but more dangerous than ever.

That is why this organization was founded, and the hard fought victory is within our grasp. As Helga said today: “Stay in reality — that’s what makes you sane, that’s what makes us unique. They never imagined that a genius like Lyndon LaRouche would be around to counter them.”

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