LaRouchePAC Town Hall

Classical RenaissanceNew International Economic Order

Now Creating a More Human Epoch for Mankind

Dennis Speed, coordinator of the LaRouchePAC Manhattan Project, delivers an overview of the recent Schiller Institute conference to develop a crucial concept to Lyndon LaRouche’s method of economic forecasting and policy making. Highlights from the conference include speakers Jacques Cheminade, William Binney, John Gong, Larry Bell and others.READ MORE

Defeat the Murderous British Empire — Raise Mankind to a New Level of Creative Thinking

The underlying theme of Helga Zepp LaRouche’s strategic presentation in this week’s Schiller Institute webcast is that, as the clash between the Old and New Paradigms is becoming more obvious, it is the quality of thinking characterized by human creativity, which alone can bring the world to realize the shared common aims of mankind represented by the New Paradigm.READ MORE

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