Put an End To Three Years’ “British” Election Meddling and British Imperial War

Put an End To Three Years’ *British* Election Meddling and British Imperial War

With all indications of a very large final vote total in “game-changing” U.S. midterm elections, the outcome for both Houses of Congress remains in doubt. What is not in doubt, is that there will be a sharp change in the now three year-long, furious but unsuccessful drive to destroy President Trump’s credibility and ability to set policy, and to force him out of office. Either that drive will end for good, or it will escalate dramatically. The President has continued to insist on the value of peace and cooperation with other major nuclear powers — has even campaigned before tens of thousands for peace and good relations with Russia and China. His attackers have made of President Putin the direst enemy image, called Trump a “puppet” for meeting with the Russian President, and demanded a war confrontation with Russia.READ MORE

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