Overlooked in the loud debate over curbing / stopping the plague of out-of-control illegal immigration from the Turd World is the fact that legal immigration — notwithstanding the hard-working, self-sufficient and law abiding foreigners currently living here — has also created enormous problems for the country. Sugar and I, er, “The Editorial Board” of The Anti New York Times are therefore pleased to hear that the Trump administration is moving to crack down on the parasitic element of the immigrant population.
But Dr. Tung Nguyen, a professor of medicine at the University of California, San Fagsicko; and Sherry Hirota, chief executive of Asian Health Services in Oakland, Calif. are not so happy about it. For that reason, the two “children of immigrants” ™ (both known libtards) have penned this platitude-filled, logic-deficient whine-fest for Sulzberger’s Slimes. Hazmat suits and goggles on, boys and girls. Let us dive into Sulzberger’s cesspool and clean up some of this fallacious filth.

1. Sherry Hirota of Bolshevik Berkeley, CA celebrates International Women’s Day 2. Dr. Tung Nguyen is a member of PIVOT – The “Progressive” Vietnamese American Organization 3. The NAAAP? Are you frickin’ kidding me? — Why is it socially acceptable for Asian professionals to form organizations which only help other Asian professionals; but when Europeans do it, it’s considered “racist?” ™
Hirota & Nguyen: When Kam Tam came to the United States at age 16 from China 50 years ago, he spoke little English, had a mouthful of rotten teeth and active tuberculosis, and weighed just 96 pounds. Through perseverance and a little help, he got his health back in order. The providers at his publicly funded community health center in San Francisco pulled four molars and cured his tuberculosis.
Analysis: See that? Right away with the emotional appeal to the heart strings. Pure Marxism.
Hirota & Nguyen: Today, he is a successful businessman and pharmacist who has repaid society for the support he and his family received. He continues to generously give back by donating his professional services and financial resources to vulnerable families in Oakland.
Analysis: The fact that this Chinese-American pharmacist was the beneficiary of “publicly funded” health-care does not justify his immigrant parents’ theft of taxpayer money. Imagine a burglar paying for his son’s health-care with the proceeds of his thefts. The little boy then grows up to become a doctor and even an exemplary citizen. What type of crackpot would then argue for loosening up the laws against robbery?
Hirota & Nguyen: Yet under a rule proposed last week by the Department of Homeland Security, legal immigrants could lose their chance to become a success story like Dr. Tam because they used government benefits they were entitled to.
Analysis: Wow — “government benefits they were entitled to.” Try showing up in China or Vietnam — where foreigners are only permitted to hold certain jobs (like English teachers) — and talking bullshit about collecting money from their native taxpayers on the basis that you are “entitled” to it.
Hirota & Nguyen: The Trump administration wants lawful permanent residence, also known as green-card status, to be denied to greater numbers of legal immigrants for having received public assistance.
Analysis: If we are to have immigration, is it too much to ask that the new arrivals bring with them enough savings that they won’t need to get on the government dole? Do we not have enough homegrown poverty and dependency cases?
Hirota & Nguyen: A more narrow version of this rule has been in place for years. Currently, immigrants can be refused green cards if they are deemed to rely on government cash assistance for more than half their income. But the Trump administration has proposed expanding the scope of the rule to potentially deny green cards to immigrants who have used any of a much wider range of non-cash public benefits.
Analysis: One is either a net asset or a net liability. We don’t need to be importing parasites.
Hirota & Nguyen: The new rule would potentially withhold permanent residency from someone who has used social services like Medicaid; Medicare Part D, which helps the elderly afford prescription medicines; food stamps; and Section 8 housing vouchers.
Analysis: Good! These “services” are a financial burden to American taxpayers. And this practice of affluent and even filthy rich Asians bringing grandma over from the old country and then dumping her on MediCare needs to STOP!
Hirota & Nguyen: A huge number of immigrant families could be affected by this change. An estimated 3.8 million Asian-Americans and Pacific Islanders and 10.3 million Hispanics live in families in which at least one member has used one of these services. And there are 10.5 million children in the United States in families receiving public benefits who have at least one non-citizen parent. Nine out of 10 of these children are natural-born citizens, and their families could be torn apart if a parent is considered a public charge and no longer able to stay in the country.
Analysis: Wow! That adds up to 24 millions Turd Worlders getting freebies — while millions of stressed out, taxed-out, lower middle class Americans are forced to live out a hand-to-mouth existence. No tears for them from Hirota & Nguyen!

Turd World riff-raff are “entitled” to free health-care, food stamps and free housing in nice suburban neighborhoods — while a growing numbers of Americans with jobs (especially in California) are forced to live out of their cars.
Hirota & Nguyen: Fear of the proposed regulation, which had been rumored for months, may have already dampened the demand for services. Community urgent-care clinics have had patients asking to have their records removed, and some immigrants have refused to sign up for food assistance programs, citing worries about deportation and family separation.
Analysis: Nice! Hopefully we can scare these human leeches out of their illegal, pro-Demonrat voting behaviors too. The penniless Turd World hordes — through block-voting — are gradually turning the once-conservative, opportunity-filled land of milk & honey known as California into a giant Cuba.
Hirota & Nguyen: A robust body of research shows that legal immigrants strengthen our society.
Analysis: A “body of research,” eh? Of course, no libtarded argument is complete without the good old “studies have shown” Appeal to Authority Fallacy.
Hirota & Nguyen: Health care providers and immigrant activists are building coalitions to voice their opposition. But Americans must insist that Congress intervene to block this proposal.
Analysis: Keep dreaming. Even many Demonrat voters (working Blacks in particular) have had enough of the Turd World invasion.
Hirota & Nguyen: We must defend our identity as one nation that shares a common vision and values that was built on hard work, strong families, respect and kindness. These values dictate that we care for one another, that we know that we are only as strong as the most vulnerable among us.
Analysis: Platitude alert! (in red) Platitude alert! — A grand finale of unintelligible, vague and meaningless high school level gibberish.
Platitude: a remark or statement, especially one with a moral content, that has been used too often to be interesting or thoughtful.
In closing — and this is where The Anti-New York Times separates itself from most other “alternative news” sites — let us always remember and reiterate constantly: This madness is all by design! The objective of the New World Order is to create a world in which the Marxist-Globalist self-chosenites are placed at the tippy-top positions of political, financial and cultural power; with the elite Asians mainly at the professonal and technical levels; the “people of color” ™ doing the civil service and manual labor; and last and least, the degraded White Man blended out / killed out altogether. That’s the truth, and we’ll never tip-toe around it for the sake of gaining a wider audience and/or boosting revenue by selling advertising. (hint hint, donate, hint hint — donate here)

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