Monthly Archive: September 2018

NAFTA Was Created as a Predecessor of the North American Union to Create a Communist Centre of Control of North America Under Zionists!

NAFTA Was Created as a Predecessor of the North American Union to Create a Communist Centre of Control of North America Under Zionists!

NAFTA Furthers the NAU Merger! With the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) deal up in the air, the dangers and threats of its solidification are still very prevalent. Its inherent power to combine...

Activist Post News

In the 09/09/2018 edition: Wire Tapped America – New Book The US governemt is watching your every move, and recording every word you utter – This is the only foolproof way to stop them…...

Natural News

Holistic clinic raided at gunpoint, doctor forced to flee her country A holistic health doctor with millions of followers and thousands of patients who overcame cancer has been raided at gunpoint by the government....

EIR Daily Alert Service, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 2018

  MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 2018 Volume 5, Number 180 EIR Daily Alert Service P.O. Box 17390, Washington, DC 20041-0390   North Korea’s National Day Parade Signals Hopes for Korean and World Peace Beijing Announces...

Collective Evolution News

Today’s top news, podcasts, videos and insights that expand consciousness. Anonymous White House Staffer’s New York Times Op-Ed: The Deep State Antidote To Q? An anonymous op-ed piece was published in the New York...

Rogue Israel and Rogue United States Flout International Criminal Court-Both Under Ironclad Control of ZIONISTS (So Was USSR & Communist China)

‘Unjust court’: Bolton vows to use ‘any means’ to protect US ally Israel from ICC   ANDREW CHEETHAM 4 hours ago  Political Manipulation  World News    Share  Tweet ‘The US has announced its decision not to cooperate...