(The Money Lenders Are the Zionist or Khazar Mafia)

NEW .   What you share doesn’t just apply to Americans.. but every single nation under control of by the British Crown which in turn the British Crown via City of London is controlled by .. the high priest of the world wearing a dress on 7 hills.. Police and many other officers are Freemasons who work for the London Crown in Britain. POLICY (Police) Enforcers ENFORCE the TYRANNICAL FALSE-LAWS of the THE CROWN! The police WORK FOR THE RULERS NOT US!
Learn what transpired in 1913/1933 that was utter betrayal of Western nations peoples that turned them into slaves unlike ever before in history! gemworld (DOT) com/EdMandellHouse (DOT) htm youtube (DOT) com/watch?v=ME7K6P7hlko —
Meet your Strawman youtube (DOT) com/watch?v=ptHQu68MdMs —
The Freeman and Strawman   Explained youtuve (DOT) com/watch?v=7sArXw6ajNg —
Strawman – The Nature of the Cage (OFFICIAL) youtube (DOT) com/user/stopthepirates — Start from his first video, he has a website also . he’s also got a lot of good info but the true common law is and about how we’ve all been made into corporate fictions/dead entities/serfs in an invisible prison/beasts of burden who are eternally in debt, pledged as collateral to the state.
Start from his first video, he has a website also . he’s also got a lot of good info but the true common law is and about how we’ve all been made into corporate fictions/dead entities/serfs in an invisible prison/beasts of burden who are eternal in debt, pledged as collateral to the state.

This is a tip of the iceberg.. it will take you some time to learn properly if you really want to comprehend how this world is run by the debit/credit money lenders and what especially happened since 1913/1933 that turned us into 100% ‘strawmen’.   The only true way out… is doing it the way the real Jesus commanded which most who learn about this, are not.. they are again abusing it.

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Simply A Tracking Device To Get People To Submit To Our Agenda …WATCH THIS and if this does not wake you up to see how evil they are, nothing will.


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