MONDOWEISS – This logic has been uttered by a prominent Israeli journalist: Mass shootings of Palestinians have saved their lives. Reporting from the sniper positions near the Gaza fence, Dan Margalit writes in his Hebrew-only Haaretz opinion (Saturday):
From this position, the events looked a bit different than from the Karni crossing near Nahal Oz. Now I am convinced, more than at the beginning of the fighting about 10 weeks ago, that the massive shooting at the beginning of the battles [sic] has saved many Palestinian lives, and of course, first and foremost, lives of Israelis.”
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“It would have been better if they would have finished the job, just finished the job and shot him. We do not need to take him into custody, we need him dead,” he said. CONTINUE READING

THE RUSSOPHILE – Most nation states in our world today have dealt with their fair share of institutionalized racism and bigotry, and Israel is no exception. However when it comes to Israel, the volume of racism expressed by prominent political figures is both astounding and concerning.
A compilation of various racist and hateful quotes by Israeli Prime Ministers demonstrating the extent to which racism is entrenched as well as normalized in Israeli political culture.
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ed note–as we like to point out here often, yahweh, the ‘god’ of Israel, is said to have told performed all sorts of fantastic miracles in order to get ‘his chosen people’ into that land. The 10 plagues, the parting of the Red Sea, the pillar of fire at night and sand storm during the day, the mannah from heaven, etc.
In short, this very powerful ‘god’, yahweh, has no need whatsoever of any Gentile assistance in protecting the apple of his eye.
And yet, we are told, it is the burden of the Goyim to fork over their national treasure and the blood of their youth in protecting something that if it were truly yahweh’s masterpiece, would need nothing more than his divine will in sustaining it.
Let’s dissect further a few of the other ‘goodies’ in Meotti’s toilet-bowl buffet of verbal and conceptual excrement–
‘Why should non-Jews today tremble for Israel? The ancient kingdom of Israel played a role in the formation of Western civilization completely disproportionate to its size. Its spiritual heritage is one of the pillars of the Western civilization. The Jewish people affirmed for the first time the principles that today form the basis of our civilization: equality and dignity of all men, universal law, the protection of the defenseless…’
Use of the term ‘Tremble’–Our dear Gentile readers should make no mistake about the fact that Meotti is utilizing veiled threats of Gentile extinction via one (or several) of the WMDs Israel has at her disposal, including control of the monetary systems of the West, nukes, and the use of DNA-specific biological warfare which Israel has developed. All can rest assured that just as the Jewish state invented a form of the plague which targets those of true Semitic origin that she has also developed similar agents that target people of Western origin as well, even specifically sub-categorizing them based upon a person’s Irish, Ango-Saxon, Germanic, Dutch, Italian, French, etc DNA makeup.
Equally audacious is Meotti’s lunatic assertion that Israel played any role whatsoever in the formation of Western Civilization. Western Civilization predates the primate-level Hebraic culture by thousands of years, and all anyone need do in understanding how well the two polar opposites complimented each other is to consider the manner by which the cultures of Greece/Rome clashed with that of Judea, and specifically in the latter case where a war lasting over 100 years was fought as described by Jewish historian Josephus.
We say it often and it bears repeating over, and over, and over again–
Fish swim, birds fly, and Jews lie.

NEWSWEEK – Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu openly discussed his nation’s military attacks on targets in Syria, describing them as measures that will prevent more refugees from fleeing to Europe.
The Israeli leader said that these alleged efforts by Iran are “a recipe for a re-inflammation of another civil war” and that the results “could be millions more that go into Europe,” Reuters reported. CONTINUE READING