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While most of us are quite familiar with the name Rasputin and some of the mysticism associated with him, not many are aware that he was allegedly quite the prophet. Not long before his death, he composed a last will and testament, addressed to the last Russian Tsar, Nikholai II. Here is a loose translation from the copy presented in the book, “My Thoughts and Reflections” by Grigori Rasputin (edited, foreword/prologue by Oleg Slavin).

I write this letter, the last letter, which will be left after me in Saint Petersburg. I have a premonition that I will die before 1 January (1917). I speak to the Russian People, to Papa [he referred to Nikholai II as Papa and Aleksandra as Mama], to Mama and Children, to all of the Russian Land, what they should know and understand. If I will be killed by ordinary people, especially by my brothers—the Russian peasants, then you, the Russian Tsar, should not worry about Your Children, —they will lead in Russia another hundred years.

But if I am murdered by the boyars and noblemen, if they spill my blood, and it stays upon their hands, then twenty five years will pass before they be able to wash my blood from their hands. They will have to flee from Russia. Brother will kill brother, everyone will kill each other and hate each other, and at the end of twenty five years, not one nobleman will be left in Russia. Tsar of the Russian Land, if You hear the ringing of the funeral bell at the death of Grigory, then know; if in my death are guilty someone of Your relatives, then I tell you, that none of Your Family, none of Your children and Relatives will live more than two years. And if they live, they will pray to God for death, for they will see the disgrace and shame of the Russian Land, the arrival of the antichrist, pestilence, poverty, desecrated temples of God, holy places spit upon, where everyone will become a corpse…Three times twenty five years will the black bandits, servants of the antichrist, destroy the people of Russia and the faith of the Orthodox (church). And the Russian Land will perish. And I perish, I have perished already, and I am no longer among the living. Pray, pray, be strong, think of Your Blessed Family.

If the will and testament are authentic, then Rasputin really was on to something:

  • “I will die before 1 January…” He was killed Dec 30, 1916.
  • “if I am murdered by the boyars and noblemen…” He was killed by two relatives of the royal family.
  • “at the end of twenty five years, not one nobleman will be left in Russia” Not sure on this one, but most of the royalty was either executed by the new Zionist Communist regime, or fled Russia.
  • “Brother will kill brother, everyone will kill each other and hate each other” The Communist revolution was a bloodbath. Even after the revolution ended, the regime of fear created by Stalin continued the blood and hatred.
  • “none of Your Family, none of Your children and Relatives will live more than two years” The Romanov family was executed July 16th, 1918. His other family members will also executed. (Not all died in the course of 2 years. One of his Rasputin’s murderers died in 1967, another died in 1942 of tuberculosis, a third in 1920.)
  • “disgrace and shame of the Russian Land”   Christian Russia Taken over by Satanic ZIONIST Bolsheviks.
  • “arrival of the antichrist” Lenin or Stalin, take your pick.
  • “destruction of the Russian people”   66 Million Russians were murdered by the Bolsheviks.
  • “destruction of the…Orthodox faith”   People are not allowed to worship God under Communism.
  • “poverty, pestilence” There were years of hunger and poverty following the years of revolution.
  • “desecrated temples of God” Stalin destroyed many, many Russian Orthodox churches and they were used as graineries, barns, etc.

It’s spooky how accurate they were.