Monthly Archive: April 2018

Syria has Occupied an Important Political Position as it is the Beating Heart of Arabism….the Forefront of Confrontation with the Zionist Enemy

Bashar al-Assad Could End the War in 24 Hours – But He Won’t as A Matter of Principle by TUT editor GREATER SYRIA EURASIA FUTURE – In the Constitution of the Syrian Arab Republic, the following is...

LaRouchePAC Daily

The British Empire Can No Longer Hide Its Crimes Posted on April 19, 2018 On every front of the U.K.’s panicked effort to stop President Trump’s intention to bring the U.S. into friendly relations...

Natural News

Japan to legalize “organ harvesting farms” of animals for human transplants In the latest medical monstrosity, Japan is legalizing organ harvesting farms to grow animals to be slaughtered for organ transplants into human patients. See the...