You’ve seen it as science-fiction on TV or in the movies, but now it’s science-fact. I’m talking about the Pentagon’s DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) creation of a super soldier army with super human abilities achieved through genetic modification. Going on for some years, shrouded in secrecy, these mutants will make future wars totally different games.
The genetic modification of specific human genes will give these soldiers certain characteristics advantageous on the battlefield, giving rise to the most amazing abilities and performances.
Smarter, sharper, more focused and more physically stronger than their enemy counterparts these soldiers will be capable of telepathy, run faster than Olympic champions, lift record-breaking weights through the development of exoskeletons, re-grow limbs lost in combat, possess a super-strong immune system, go for days and days without food or sleep…
Then there’s the emotional side. These soldiers will have the empathy genes deleted and show no mercy, while devoid of fear… Even more disturbingly, the “Human Assisted Neural Devices program” involving brain control allows the ‘joystick’ remote operation of soldiers from some far away control center.
All this has been revealed, even in mainstream media. In spite of the secrecy, fiction writer Simon Conway was allowed into the Pentagon’s DARPA and given a guided tour… Doesn’t this suggest that DARPA are well into the final stages and they want us to get used to the idea of a genetically modified super soldier army?
The type of super human characteristics that have been developed (or are in the development stages) in the soldiers is indicated by funding allocations. For example, DARPA has handed out a $40 million grant to California and Pennsylvania Universities to develop memory-controlling implants.
It has also been revealed that DARPA awarded $9.9 million to the Institute for Preclinical Studies Texas A&M University to develop a means of surviving significant blood loss. This would overcome the normal difficulties in requiring life-saving medical treatment immediately after combat injury which is known to be difficult to give during the complications and dangers encountered on the battlefield.
Another characteristic in development is having the soldiers genetically modified to hibernate throughout winter. There is a gene in squirrels that produces an enzyme in the pancreas which enables this ability. This gene can be taken from the squirrel and inserted into solders…
Summary… some serious points to consider
1. It has to be remembered that wars are secretly manufactured for power, profit and political gain. So all the massive funding gone into these projects only goes into supporting false pretexts created by the powers that be for their own selfish means to an end...regardless of the consequences. There’s never enough money for humanity but always a blank check for war…
2. As history has shown us, any advantage created will sooner or later be matched by the enemy. Human genetic modification technology for military advantages shouldn’t be any different and will be matched as a response by the enemy after their realization that the technology exists. Indeed, this in effect cancels out any advantages as in the historic case of the nuclear arms race with the political superpowers and now with the global drone arms race.
Satanic Super Soldiers About 7 Feet Tall

Helpless: Images emerged on Saturday, allegedly showing ISIS militants executing two men accused of spying for the Syrian government
Militants in Libya had been holding the 21 Egyptian Coptic Christians hostage for weeks, all laborers rounded up from the city of Sirte in December and January.
The makers of the video identify themselves as the Tripoli Province of the Islamic State group.
Libya has seen a rise of powerful armed militias in the wake of the downfall and death of dictator Muammar Gaddafi in the 2011 NATO-backed uprising.
Tens of thousands of Egyptians work in Libya, mainly in the construction sector, and they have been targeted as the country has descended into chaos.
The killings raise the possibility that the Islamic militant group – which controls about a third of Syria and Iraq in a self-declared caliphate – has established a direct affiliate less than 500 miles from the southern tip of Italy.
One of the militants in the video, speaking English, makes direct reference to that possibility, saying the group now plans to ‘conquer Rome.’
Yesterday, images emerged of ISIS militants publicly executing two alleged spies and mercilessly crucifying another to a road sign in the Syrian city of Al-Bab.
On Thursday, the extremist group announced it was holding an Israeli-Arab who posed as foreign a fighter to spy for the country’s intelligence agency, Mossad.
My Comment: Let’s not forget: Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama were working with these terrorists and these super soldiers must be covered up to conceal their (American?) identities. Let’s rip the masks off! This is a Satanic spiritual war against Christians in the Middle East which is going to spread to the EU (with the Terrorist ‘refugees’ and then coming to America to be used against American Christians.
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