FACEBOOK Violates Privacy By Storing All Call And Text Data of Users

CONFIRMED: Facebook VIOLATES PRIVACY By Storing All Call And Text Data Of Users


by Mac Slavo, SHTF Plan:

Adding to the seemingly endless amount of fuel stoking the #deleteFacebook furor is the newest social media privacy violation, and this one’s a big one. Facebook has confirmed that they store phone call and text data from all of their Android users.

Facebook confirmed Sunday that it has been keeping texting and call logs for millions of people who use Android phones to access Facebook Messenger, adding to a growing backlash over how the company handles the user data that drives its record-setting profits.

Ever since news broke that data firm Cambridge Analytica had been abusing the Facebook platform to download unauthorized data on over 50 million users, users have been downloading their own Facebook data to see just how much the social network knows about them. Couple this with the fact that Facebook and YouTube have been harshly censoring voices that disagree with the liberal and Communist agenda, and you’ve got a major problem if you’re the social media giant.

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