GMOs proven to breed “super pests” and super weeds… total failure now obvious
Mike Adams Far from the promise of requiring fewer pesticides and herbicides, GMO agriculture has now been scientifically proven to be a total disaster, breeding chemical-resistant pests and superweeds that threaten our food future.

This shocking truth continues to be covered up by the corrupt media. But we’re reporting it at Natural News.

See the full story here.

Also today: We are now releasing the full streamlined lab results for bone broth products, using the new (revised) reporting format that people are already finding much easier to read.

Get the official announcement here.

P.S. Lots more lab results coming soon, including tests on breakfast cereals, Pop-Tarts, salad dressings and even survival food.

Bombshell: Genetic modification proven ineffective — pests have become immune to the poison of modified crops in less than five years, but we still have to eat itBy Isabelle Z. | Read the full story
Rotary International argues that vaccine-derived polio, caused by polio vaccines, is somehow caused by “not enough” children being vaccinatedBy Tracey Watson | Read the full story
Sponsor: Higher lead levels increased cancer death by 68 percent – Chelation reduced cancer death by 90 percent
FDA pushing back safety compliance deadlines for agricultural water standards because they are “complicated” and “costly”By Ethan Huff | Read the full story
Monsanto’s RoundUp is more dangerous than we realized: Even the inert ingredients have proven to be dangerousBy Lance D Johnson | Read the full story
Sponsor: Share medical costs ACA exempt. Christian values. Enroll any time. Sharing amounts start at 107 dollars.
Is your gallbladder healthy? 10 signs in may not be, and what to do about itBy Russel Davis | Read the full story
Sponsor: Nature’s Artery Opener cleans out calcium plaque and opens arteries wide for smooth flowing blood
When times are tough, you need food that provides you with nutrition, not poisonRanger Bucket Organic Emergency Storable Food Supply – Organic, lab-verified and made completely without junk ingredients, GMOs, hidden MSG or other junk.

Learn More »

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