Netanyahu (Rothschild Czar of Zionism) is Finished! Hooray!

Netanyahu Is Finished: Little Doubt Rothschild Czar Of Zionism Will Be Indicted

by nooralhaqiqa

ED Noor: Of course there are no surprises here.  Bibi’s time of terror is drawing to an end. Who or what will eventually replace him, none of the obvious candidates being much lower on the human scale than Benjamin himself? Or will they surprise us with a “nice guy” who has a gentle demeanor to fool the rabble ~ both Jewish and gentile alike? There is still much drama to be played out before any changes come about.

August 6, 2017

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is suspected of bribery, fraud and breach of trust in two cases, Israel Police confirmed on Thursday when it requested a gag order on the ongoing talks to recruit a state witness. The gag order was granted and is effective until September 17.

A response on behalf of the prime minister stated on Thursday:

“We completely reject the unfounded claims made against the prime minister. The campaign to change the government is underway, but it is destined to fail, for a simple reason: there won’t be anything because there was nothing.”


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