How Robert Mueller, Special Counsel, Covered Up a Massive Pedophile Ring in the ’80’s

The Franklin Court Records/Cover-Up of D.C. Pedophiles, MKULtra, CIA & Satanism

The Franklin Court Records

My Comment:  On page 10 you will see how sophisticated the MKUltra technology has become and this was back in 1989!

Here is the free pdf book:  The Franklin Cover-Up by John DeCamp, Attorney and Former Nebraska Senator who Exposed the Franklin Case By Pursuing the Perpetrators.  He Was Blocked by Judges and Director of the FBI Robert Mueller who is now running a coup against President Trump for the Zionist/Jewish Mafia who actually run this country.  They are a Zionist Satanic Mob!

The Franklin Cover-up pdf –  Highlight

Jan 18, 1990 … Franklin Cover-Up because the story and its implications continue … any Catholic Diocese for covering up .child abuse by priests to today,.

On Former Director of FBI-Robert Mueller:

Crooked Cop Mueller:

Image result for robert mueller
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Robert Mueller

6th Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation

Robert Swan Mueller III is an American attorney who served as the sixth Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation from 2001 to 2013. A conservative Republican, he was appointed by President George W. Bush; President Barack Obama gave his original ten-year term a two-year extension, making him the longest-serving FBI Director since J. Edg…

Special Counsel Mueller Covered Up a Massive Pedophile Ring in Nebraska as FBI Top Dog-Here is Proof!

Finder’s Report is a Dossier on Child Sex Crimes Not Prosecuted by FBI Under Mueller’s Watch! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Finders Report ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~   London-Saudi Global Terror…

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