Porn Star Jenn Jameson Anti-Muslim Rant

Porn Gangstress Jenna Jameson Caps Anti-Muslim Twitter Rant With ‘Kiss My Beautiful Jewish Ass’

by MG editor

Image result for jenna jameson judaism

ed note–once again note how comfortable she is–a high-priced prostitute who made her fortune as a corrupter of society–with Judaism. She could have joined any ‘club’ in the panoply of religions–Christianity, Islam, Hindusim, etc, but landed on Judaism, and not by accident, as it gives her license for her licentiousness while at the same time, insulates her from any tug of conscience, as well as initiating her into a closed, members-only system full of perks and privilege.

Next, note what she says in one of her idiotic rants–

‘The Torah does not teach hostile violent takeover of the world. It does not teach to kill men, rape their wives and enslave their children’

I guess she has not read Deuteronomy, Leviticus, Joshua, and all the rest, to say nothing of the manner by which raping and enslaving of womenfolk appears literally within the very first book of Judaism, Genesis. She castigates female genital mutilation, truly horrific, but says nothing when it is done to boys.

And finally, note the deafening silence from the Jewish community who, if truly ‘in line’ with what is good, right, moral, and just, would have nothing whatsoever to do with this woman who by association drags their ‘holy’ religion down into the mud. As far as they are concerned, she is exactly the kind of ‘convert’ they love to have around for PR purposes.

One again, another example of a world gone completely mad due to the willful decision to not see evil in its true light.

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