JW Will Be Watching Virginia Polls on Election Day

We Will Be Watching Virginia Polls on Election Day

Our Election Integrity Project, headed up by Robert Popper, former deputy chief of the Voting Section in the Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice and a veteran poll observer for the Department f Justice, will be monitoring the polls in Virginia on election day.


Popper has been training volunteer poll observers for the task. We have good reason to worry about the integrity of voting in Virginia. As just on example, 1,046 aliens, or residents who are not U.S. citizens, were on the voter rolls in 8 Virginia counties. If that rate of non-citizen registration held in the rest of Virginia’s counties — that would mean about 6,500 non-citizens are registered to vote in Virginia.


We have been at work in other states, as well. Recent polls show that voters are becoming “deeply skeptical” about election integrity.  Of course, we will be alert for election fraud nationwide on Tuesday.


The right to vote is a key tool Americans have to exercise control and oversight over our government.  Your right to vote is precious and not available in any significant way to billions across the world.  So if you can, please vote on Election Day.

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