Monthly Archive: October 2016

“White Helmet” “Save Aleppo” Protest Proves How Easy it is to Dress Up Actors as “War Victims” by trevorlabonte Continue reading

Barbarism in Words and Deeds. Barbarism of The U.S is Unmatched by Sabba GLOBAL RESEARCH – What Russia is sponsoring and doing [in Syria] is not counter-terrorism it is barbarism” Samantha Power, US Representative to the...

These 13 corporations are ‘Big Pharma’: their history, crimes, and products This is a preview to the Era of Wisdom documentary “Toddlers on Adderall: History of “Big Pharma” and the Major Players,”…

Bill Gates’ Philanthropy: 30,000 Indian girls used as guinea pigs to test cancer vaccineBy L.J. Devon, Staff Writer | Read the full story

In this video Luke Rudkowski exposes the biggest inner workings of “top secret” pentagon physiological operations. If you are interested in journalism and helping fight the pr propaganda check out… Sources:……...

MONDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2016 Volume 3, Number 29 EIR Daily Alert Service P.O. Box 17390, Washington, DC 20041-0390 The American People Can Defeat Obama Again, To Stop a Worse Than 2008 Crash Deutsche Bank...

Afghanistan: It’s The Heroin, Stupid by Sabba BY PEPE ESCOBAR – Here we go again. In yet another Pentagon precision strike, a residential building in Achin district of Nangarhar province was hit as a crowd...

Moscow preparing itself for possible nuclear attack by MG editor continue reading

Wall Street: The Trump-China missing link by Sabba RT – So we’re faced with the ultimate surrealist spectacle of a billionaire denouncing corporate globalization, which has been responsible for stripping the US lower middle classes of...