Posted: 20 Aug 2016 01:00 PM PDT It’s time to play the elites favorite Game again!
Well the plague is back, and its affecting Doctors, Scientist and Journalist now.
Escape! Run far-far-away to a hidden location, or at least go on vacation! Strap yourself in and hide yo kids and hide yo wives, It was the banker plague that killed 90 bankers, a new neuro-virus, it is the only explanation that makes any sense in how so many bankers just started to suddenly commit suicide(and be murdered) so conveniently. Lets be honest here folks, people are being murdered. Its simple(Occam’s razor), the most logical explanation is people don’t just drop dead in a string of suicides.
Back years ago, when the media told the truth NBC’s 20/20 investigated the SDI Scientist Deaths,. Yes, there was such a time, just after getting over Operation Mockingbird and the church hearings. If you are interested in the concept of subliminals, Melissa Dykes, who used to work for infowars, explores subliminal’s used in the 1960’s in a sign off video that used to play at the end of every tv show that had the National anthem in it. Melissa Melton Subliminals in the 1960s:
For now we will briefly look at it because this is about the CIA’s influence on the media and the CIA’s admitted “Heart Attack Gun” used for secret assassinations, not the subliminals, but the subliminals do show us how the media can be used to manipulate and influence one’s thoughts and opinions. The reason for looking at the claims of a heart attack gun is the reasoning that if the CIA had the ability to kill someone without a trace using a dart back in the 1960’s , would you not think that technology is more advanced in 2016? Not to mention the now known facts: that motor vehicles including cars,trains and planes can be hacked….why? Because they are a computer, and anything with a computer and a microchip can probably be exploited and is vulnerable to being hacked. How? Air-gaping. Watch Vice’s How to Hack a Car. Even pace makers can be hacked, anything with a computer chip. A Hacker named Barnaby Jack was about to expose all this, then he turned up dead before a security conference. First, authorities wouldn’t release findings on what killed him. Then they claimed it was drugs. Sure, maybe he was a drug addict like his girl friend says, but my point is that there are many ways to kill a person and rule it a suicide, or “accidental tragedy”, which make it look legitimate when it’s actually murder. But none of that is needed when blatant homicides are ruled as suicide’s and not investigated by journalists who need to hold the government accountable and ask questions about suspicious deaths. And if anybody were to investigate and bring too many questions to light in this hypothetical, then they would probably commit suicide too. Murder isn’t a conspiracy theory, it is actually a federal conviction that is classified as a conspiracy. a sophisticated plot seen in the courts eyes. Are they some how all connected? Probably not, it’s highly unlikely and a bit ludicrous that these are all connected, let alone that all these people were murdered. For the skeptic out there lets say a few of these deaths are legitimate and a few are suspicious. It doesn’t mean that the suspicious one’s should be ruled out because a few are actually suicides. That’s illogical and ignorant. IN the 1990’s NBC’s 20/20 did an investigative report about the dead Star war’s project scientist. Also known as the Star wars defense initiative, the project’s scientists were suspected to have worked on various classified projects.
Consider for a moment the one thing that all these people share in common who met their demise. For the Tuskegee experiment, President Bill Clinton even had to apologize for. Further information on
DOCTORS: With all the information above in mind, it should be easier to look at some of the following suspicious cases involving doctors, bankers, scientists and journalists dying, and see the possibility of many being murdered. The first case, and the one that started it all, the case of Dr. Jeff Bradstreet: a famous Autism researcher and doctor who was found in a river with bullet shot wounds to the chest. Review of the case sparks speculation that many of these doctors killed may have been investigating the GCMAF cell treatment he was heavily involved in. One things for sure, these doctors all appear to be Holistic doctors who hated Big Pharma or Doctors who were working on cancer research. Are any alarms going off yet? A Good Summary and Someone Who’s Followed All this From the Beginning Erin Elizabeth of HealthNutsNews.com:
Here’s where things get crazy for me personally. I was following the influx of banker deaths since it hit 50 when suddenly, in I then had the experience of my life one month later in January of 2014, when the undercarriage of my cars tires were sliced and the break-line was punctured. I ended up going 45-50 MPH and having my car’s front tires fly off, skidding to a halt on my rims. Though, I wasn’t the only one talking about these banker deaths. Another person who goes by “V the Guerrilla Economist” was also speaking about these deaths, and even warned more were to come. Another blog ,wallstonparade, was also following these mysterious deaths as bankers were dropping dead globally, and made the connection between three executives being under investigation for fraud and a Wallst Journal reporter David Bird found dead in a span of four days. The reporter, David Bird, was found to have accidentally drowned, after his investigation into OPEC. No seriously, I’m not making this up, look it up yourself if you want to reaffirm any doubts. In another case a CNBC chief executive’s kids were found stabbed after he published a lawsuit known as the Trillion dollar lawsuit Seemingly, years later we have more proof that bankers and ceo’s were/are being murdered to cover up lawsuits. When two ex ceo’s were murdered before going on trial, the ChesapeakeEnergy CEO, Aubrey McClendon died in a car accident after being indicted . Another man, Christophe de Margerie who was Total’s CEO, died in a freak plane accident with a drunk snow plough driver in Russia..which even the Russian Government found to be suspicious as four men were detained as suspects in his death. They aren’t the only ones under investigation, the DOJ opened an investigation into bid rigging. There are several more suspicious banker deaths, a fully-updated list can be found here. The NYPost is now reporting these deaths, but only reporting 40 of them… regardless these “suicides” are catching up to the perpetrators. Heck, even the FBI is now calling for tips in a banker;s death, and is near in solving a contract hit case. Scientist: Perhaps the next is the creepiest, because of how many dead scientist there have been in the past decade. 125+ have been killed in various ways. Who would want scientist dead? Why? Could it be some research they were involved in that the government doesn’t want getting out? We will start with the mysterious crashing of MH17, which had 100 Scientists, including a world renown Aids Researcher Joep Lange, on board. In another case, Cambridge Professor Peter Wadhams claims that three scientist investigating the melting arctic ice may have been assassinated. Heck, even a NASA scientist ,Alberto Behar, who discovered water on mars was killed in a small plane crash. These are just a few examples of a full list of all the made-to-be-dead scientists over the past decade can be found documented by Steven Quayle at his website.
Next we will talk about murdered journalists, something that should scare everyone. When your media is being silenced for reporting the truth and investigative reporting… that’s a problem to our freedom and us all. We already talked about a murdered Wall street journalist, reporter David Bird, earlier in the article. We will continue and go from the recent to the least recent starting first with the murder of a NY-time’s reporter Sarah Kershaw who reported on MKultra and was investigating MKUltra until she was found asphyxiated due to strangulation in her home in the Dominican Republic. Our next case is a case of three journalists, all of which died in a period of 24 hours, and another one, who almost died. Bob Hager, Ned Colt, Bob Simon and David Carr died all of various reasons. Yet they are related in the pattern of cover-ups. Ned colt was 58 and died suffering a stroke, okay nothing strange there. Bob Simon died in a car crash, Bob Hager also almost died in a car crash. David Carr had just finished interviewing Edward Snowden, then he collapsed in the Times newsroom. As quoted by an ex CIA agent, the CIA has wanted to find an untraceable substance that could cause heart attacks and strokes. And they practically have, something the average autopsy won’t report. It can be safe to assume that the autopsies of these victims were not given any special consideration. The case in Turkey of several murdered journalist. Turkey has a history of killing journalist, including a friend of mine’s daughter, Serena Shim, and BBC reporter Jacky Sutton. Serena Shim was killed in a suspicious car crash days after being threatened by Turkish Intelligence for reporting on images of UN, World Food Organization, and other aid group convoy trucks smuggling ISIS fighters into Turkey that she had received. I recently did an interview with her family, you can learn more about Serena Shim here. Jacky Sutton was another journalist, a former BBC journalist found hung in an airport in Istanbul, in which Turkish investigators even called her death “suspicious“. There are many more cases of journalists mysteriously dying in turkey, but to save time we will only discuss these two prominent and noteworthy cases. Next in line, we have the case of Michael Hastings ,an investigative reporter who I’ve been told was investigating the claims made by Lt. Scott Bennett regarding 19,000 Swiss bank accounts (UNCONFIRMED) funding terrorism overseas; another speculation is that Hastings was investigating CIA Director John O Brennan, before his untimely death from a car accident attributed to him speeding into a pole. Although, to counter this claim, Michael Hasting’s friend had said his friend, he would never speed, and he drove like a grandma. So surely he would not speed to the point of coming to ends meet with a telephone pole, right? Hastings was previously threatened by a top U.S. Army brass for exposing General McChrystal, even being told that “He would be hunted down and killed.” Hastings is another case like Danny Casolaro and Gary Webb, where both men were investigating something major and turned up dead before they could publish their investigations.It’s nothing new and won’t end with them. What IS new, is our ability as a collective society to use the internet to collaborate and spread information so these type of things will stop working. Who knows, maybe we will reach the point where a suspicious death of an important player during a corporate investigation will actually give the reason to further investigate, let alone give the company a bad reputation. Danny Casolaro was investigating the connection between BCCI, October Surprise, Iran-contra, PROMIS and the Inslaw lawsuit until Gary Webb was investigating the Iran-contra affair and the Arkansas drug connection. He was also looking into Pablo Escobar’s drug connection to the U.S. government. Webb was found with 2 shots to the head and his death was ruled a suicide. Really? And the Mainstream media didn’t blink an eye. Michael Ruppert also wrote an investigative piece on Gary Webb’s Blatant Murder. Additionally Ruppert confronted CIA Director John Deutch on Drug Trafficking in 1996. He was also investigating 911 and claimed to have a bomb shell he was writing into his book, until the point where he shot up his kids and killed “himself” after a radio broadcast. But the media didn’t tout this case as a reason to abolish the second amendment, as it might reveal to the public some inner workings of the governmental power structure. Lets take a peek into another case, where a perfectly sane man with an agenda to expose something ended up dead with his family. A film maker, David Crowley, was working on a movie exposing the fema camps and the New World Order called Grey State when he “killed himself his wife and his kids.” There are ways more journalists have ended up assassinated. If you want to read more about this topic of dead journalists, I wrote a more detailed list before I began writing for We Are Change. It is Titled “Those Murdered For Speaking or Seeking The Truth” on my personal blog. Even investigator Richard Charin, best known for his election exit poll analysis, says “something is going on here, with all these deaths”.
Dead men don’t speak and tell secrets after all.. The post 50 DR’S, 90 BANKER’S, 125 SCIENTIST AND SEVERAL JOURNALIST MYSTERIOUSLY DEAD MSM COMPLETELY SILENT: appeared first on We Are Change. |