Monthly Archive: August 2015

Democracy or Demonocracy?

Democracy or Demonocracy?

demonocracy 1. the power of demons. 2. government or rule by demons de·moc·ra·cy (dĭ-mŏk′rə-sē)·moc·ra·cies 1. Government by the people, exercised either directly or through elected representatives. 2. A political or social unit that...

America Are You Looking?  Here is an Example to Follow

America Are You Looking? Here is an Example to Follow

Israeli army blocked Netanyahu’s plans to attack Iran: Barak #InsideIsrael Israel’s former defence minister says three plans to attack Iran – backed by himself and the premier – failed to secure security cabinet consensus...

Exorcist Malachi Martin Interview

Exorcist Malachi Martin Interview At two hours, forty minutes a question about God sanctifying war?  Exorcist answers that God does not sanctify war, industrialized killing.  GOD DOES NOT SANCTIFY WAR….also warnings about seances and using ouija boards....

Turning the Tide on Health Freedom August 25, 2015 | 90,851 views By Dr. Mercola The mission of and its Health Liberty partners is to inform and educate you about the fraud and...

Smart Meters are now Big Brother BY DAVID ICKE ON 25TH AUGUST 2015BIG BROTHER ‘There has been a great deal of news over the past few years about how the federal government is increasingly...