The Faith Of America’s Founders On Trial       By Christian J. Pinto Award-winning filmmaker of the documentary series, Secret Mysteries of America’s Beginnings Many Christians are repeatedly told by their pastors, teachers, and church leaders that America was founded as a Christian nation. This assertion would not be so bad if it were […]

The Faith Of America’s Founders On Trial

Many Christians are repeatedly told by their pastors, teachers, and church leaders that America was founded as a Christian nation. This assertion would not be so bad if it were confined to the arrival of the Puritans at Plymouth and the early development of the new world. If that were the case, it would be an accurate statement, in this writer’s opinion.

Unprecedented Access

Unprecedented AccessFor the first time in history, the masses now have instant, unprecedented access to increasing amounts of forbidden knowledge about the secret leaders who run America and most of the World.

NWO: The sick, twisted vision of Colonel Edward House

NWO: The sick, twisted vision of Colonel Edward House… by  Richard M. Hooke 1913 was a pivotal year that brought to fruition the meticulous laid out agenda conspired in total secrecy of the Jekyll Island coup d’état that culminated with the Federal Reserve Act signed by President Woodrow Wilson establishing the deceptively covert, privatized central banking cabal of the Federal Reserve Board. The […]

Israel and the Khazarian Mafia now secretly condemned and plotted against by World’s Top Military and Intel (Updated)

Israel and the Khazarian Mafia now secretly condemned and plotted against by World’s Top Military and Intel (Updated)Various secret groups of active and former top Military and Intel have formed around the World and are now deploying sophisticated covert operations against the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia Banksters and Israel.

WW3 Face Off – Ultimate Battle for control of the World Imminent

WW3 Face Off – Ultimate Battle for control of the World ImminentThe Ultimate Battle for control of the World seems imminent. Is the Final Battle between the West and the East close at hand? Can it be stopped? Are the Citizens of the World Facing a final Battle of the Titans, a final War between the World Zionist Counterfeiters and Putin’s new Russian Federation?

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