Category: Aliens
Why is the U.S. Gov’t Hiring Hacks to Discredit ET Whistleblowers? I Have a Good Idea For a Reason Why.
The U.S. gov’t met with Negative ET’s and made a deal with them for superior technology and then allowed the negative ET’s to experiment on people. The Positive ET’s had met with the U.S....
Redacted News
BREAKING! The BARS are closing in on Dr. Fauci & Aliens attack Peru village | Redacted NEWS (
The Encounter Of A US Army Officer With Blue-Skinned Andromedans
The Encounter Of A US Army Officer With Blue-Skinned Andromedans HAFMay 27, 2022 AROUND THE WEB Найдите Инвестиционные Возможности В Абу-Даби! The number of alien species in the universe is the subject of numerous...
Congressional Hearing on UFOs. Why Does the DOD Want to Hide Their Existence?
Comment: The gov’t just doesn’t want the public to know about UFO’s. They have come here for Thousands of years.
Admiral’s Byrds Discovery of a Crystal City Under Antarctica
HISTORY 10.7M subscribers SUBSCRIBE During an Arctic expedition, naval officer Richard Byrd makes a very unusual discovery, in this clip from Season 18, “Secrets of Inner Earth.” Watch all new episodes of Ancient Aliens,...
The Horrible Story of Allan Rothstein Section 8 Slumlord
AMERICAN DISSIDENT VOICESAUDIOKEVIN ALFRED STROMRADIO Alien Minds, Alien Colonies KEVIN ALFRED STROM (EDITOR) · 20 AUGUST, 2022 10 American Dissident Voices broadcast of 20 August, 2022 Listen to the broadcast by Kevin Alfred Strom JEWS DON’T THINK...
Mysterious CIA Document Finds Source of Human Consciousness
=========================================================================== The video is part of my life story as a CIA MKULTRA, it describes how I obtained the skinny bob alien footage and described a meeting between me and the Aliens as well...