Why is the U.S. Gov’t Hiring Hacks to Discredit ET Whistleblowers? I Have a Good Idea For a Reason Why.

The U.S. gov’t met with Negative ET’s and made a deal with them for superior technology and then allowed the negative ET’s to experiment on people.  The Positive ET’s had met with the U.S. gov’t to dissuade our leaders to not use Atomic Bombs in wars;  our leaders did not want any restraints so they met with the Negative ET’s-Demons From Hell- and made a dirty deal with them.

$10000 in 1980 → 2024

https://www.in2013dollars.com › Inflation › 1980

$10,000 in 1980 is worth $38,264.68 today · Get inflation updates.

That’s a LOT of money for a struggling guy.

I say that partly because we are not dealing (at least not exclusively) with remote signals from deep space or an intangible interdimensional intelligence that seeks to subtly influence human affairs. For all we know, something along those lines could be happening, and it is a fascinating proposition, but what current intelligence collected by the US indicates is that our military is encountering intelligently controlled, solid objects invading restricted military airspace, sometimes even flying in formation, on an almost daily basis. Many of these objects are emitting radiation in the 1-3 and 8-12 gigahertz range. Multiple credible reports indicate that UAP has rendered segments of our nuclear deterrent inoperable; in other cases, they are jamming radars on fighter aircraft. We also have multiple cases of near-mid-air collisions and cases involving serious injuries to military and civilian personnel. Therefore, as much as we need and want scientific investigations, the government cannot be permitted to divest itself of the UAP issue.


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