Doomsday Maps of the World & Billionaire’s Escape Plans

The Shocking Doomsday Maps Of The World And The Billionaire Escape Plans Revisited – In Light Of Weather And Other Warfare Events

I am certain by now that most readers understand that we do not have any natural weather on Earth left. What we have been seeing with Hurricane Helene, the inundation in Dubai, the earth Quake in Turkey, the fires in Maui is US military warfare against its civilian population.

Mission Accomplished: Military Report From 1996 “Weather As A Force Multiplier: Owning The Weather In 2025” – Is Spraying Poison In The Air For Military Advantage A Good Idea?

Yes, just like the US military industrial complex deployed the COVID19 biological weapon of mass destruction against the US population and the world, they are now enhancing the warfare to devastating storms, floods and weather events.

After the recent missile attack by Iran on Israel, we are closer to WW3 than anyone can imagine. All of this is the planned destruction of the earth and humanity. This military industrial complex that internationally works with the satanic elites, the Vatican, and all governments on Earth, are advancing their depopulation plans. Please note this map is called the US Navy map and is a forecast after “climate change” will decimate many areas of the US. Please remember that climate change is the cover up for devastating military weather warfare operations. We do not have natural climate. We only have weaponized weather. The goal ultimately is to kill 7 Billion people. You can accomplish that goal in many ways, by biological weapons of mass destruction injected under the cover of vaccines, by weather warfare, poisoning the medication, food and water supply, cybersecurity attacks, the sun knocking out the power grid, setting of earthquakes or volcanic eruptions etc. Storm enhancement is a very effective means of depopulation:

For those who have been reading my substack for a while I have told you the story of my lucid dreams of walls of water coming from the ocean and me screaming at the people on shore who were oblivious. I have seen that wall of water many times in my dreams since I was young.

This is what the US will look like when the walls of water have done its job – yes it is US Navy prediction:

People always wonder why criminals would be so stupid as to announce what they are planning to do. They are not stupid, it is intentional. The Satanic belief system states that they must warn their victims of destruction. If the victims don’t do anything about it – which psychological operations will make sure that most people don’t – then the Satanists believe that they will have no karma. This is a spiritual war first, the goal is not just to destroy the bodies of humans but also to hijack their soul and spirit, hence the self assembly nanotechnology and the assault on every other aspect of our life.

Remember General Michael A. Aquino was a career officer with the US army specializing in psychological warfare. He was in the Vietnam War and came to the rank of Lieutenant colonel. He founded the Satanic Temple of Seth and was involved in the covered up Presidio Child Molestation case. Let that sink in, a known Satanist who openly served in the US military AS A GENERAL in psychological warfare. What could go wrong?

He developed 4th generation psychological warfare:

When he returned from Vietnam, the army stationed him in Kentucky and he became a priest within the Church of Satan, forming a grotto—a group of believers—that met in his home there. Aquino soon became disenchanted with the Church, however, under LaVey’s leadership, and in 1972, he, along with Lilith Sinclair—a Church of Satan leader who eventually married Aquino—split from it. This split appears to stem, in large part, from the two men’s conflicting ideologies: LaVey, an atheist, believed that Satan did not exist but rather represented, as a symbol, strength and defiance; Aquino, on the other hand, believed in the literal existence of Satan, and in 1975, he established a church of his own, known as the Temple of Set.

Set, an ancient Egyptian god who evolved into the Judeo-Christian figure of Satan, reportedly appeared before Aquino and gave him a document called The Book of Coming Forth by Night, the founding text of the Temple. According to a contributor to Religious Leaders of America, Aquino defined the Temple’s ambition as “awakening the divine power of the individual through the deliberate exercise of will and intelligence,” referring to the process by which this happens as “Xeper.” Two reasons why so little is known about the group, including the size of its following, stems from its secretive atmosphere, as well as its emphasis on the individual over unity.

Here is the famous text he wrote that was applied on the US population – make the victim believe they are winning so they will not fight – hence “get the popcorn” attitude that left millions of Americans sitting on their rear end while they thought someone else should fight this war for them. It worked:

They have done a fine job brainwashing the masses according to their manual:

The advantage of Mind War is that it conducts wars in nonlethal, non injurious, and nondestructive ways. Essentially you overwhelm your enemy with argument. You seize control of all of the means by which his government and populace process information to make up their minds, and you adjust it so that those minds are made up as you desire.

He also discussed psychotronic research, which is being deployed on the population now via the 5G/ HAARP/ self assembly nanotechnology neural interface subliminal mind control programming of cyborg zombies:

Psychotronic research is in its infancy, but the U.S. Army already possesses an operational weapons systems designed to do what LTC Alexander would like ESP to do – except that this weapons system uses existing communications media. It seeks to map the minds of neutral and enemy individuals and then to change them in accordance with U.S. national interests. It does this on a wide scale, embracing military units, regions, nations, and blocs. In its present form it is called Psychological Operations (PSYOP).

We shall rid ourselves of the self- conscious, almost “embarrassed” concept of “psychological operations”. In its place we shall create Mind War. The term is harsh and fear-inspiring, and so it should be: It is a term of attack and victory – not one of the rationalization and coaxing and conciliation. The enemy may be offended by it; that is quite all right as long as he is defeated by it. A definition is offered:

Mind War is the deliberate, aggressive convincing of all participants in a war that we will win that war.

It is deliberate in that it is planned, systematic, and comprehensive effort involving all levels of activity from the strategic to the tactical. It is aggressive because opinions and attitudes must be actively changed from those antagonistic to us to those supportive of us if we are to achieve victory. We will not win if we content ourselves with countering opinions and attitudes instilled by enemy governments. We must reach the people before they resolve to support their armies, and we must reach those armies before our combat troops ever see them on battlefields.

Again and again efforts to forge this weapon into its most effective configuration were frustrated by leaders who could not or should not see that wars are fought and won or lost not on battlefields but in the minds of men. As Colonel Paddock so aptly concludes:

In a real sense, the manner in which psychological and unconventional warfare evolved from 1941 until their union as a formal Army capability in 1952 suggests a theme that runs throughout the history of special warfare: the story of a hesitant and reluctant Army attempting to cope with concepts and organizations of an unconventional nature.

Who are these people of the military industrial complex? Many were the Nazi scientists who were allied with Alien occult forces who gave them very advanced technology – a lot of it is being used to wage war on human beings on every level of existence now. Those scientists, eugenicists, technocratic transhumanists and satanists were imported and embedded into the military industrial complex. Their handlers came along.

Just like there was Event 201, operation Dark Winter, Monkeypox tabletop exercise, the satanic shows at the Olympics and more – these are just rituals to fulfill their karmic law. So if you understand that all of these “exercises” happened, you might want to look at the US Navy Map and the World Map after the “ change”.

If you are in one of those places that are under water, you might want to get up and leave. Billionaires have been building underground bunkers everywhere to prepare for these events. Please read this article from Forbes 7 years ago. It gives you the predicted left over landmasses of all continents.

The Shocking Doomsday Maps Of The World And The Billionaire Escape Plans

This is entirely consistent with the predictions of my teacher Ramtha for over 40 years called “Days to Come”. You can read about it and who “THEY” are in “The Last Waltz of the Tyrants”

People are afraid of nuclear war, but that will not be allowed. The good THEY have turned nuclear warheads on and off to make sure these satanic military people get the message.

The Pentagon Is Investigating UFOs That Possibly Turned Off Warheads Former Air Force officers say they encountered the objects near U.S. military bases.

Now just so you don’t think you can casually dismiss the information, kindly read this US military Department of Defense newsflash:

And to all of those people who think that the Alien invasion will be staged as a Deep State coup, that is ridiculous. The invasion happened in the 1940’s when the US government sold its citizens for experimentation and abduction in exchange for technology. I have said from the beginning, the technology in the COVID19 bioweapons is not from here.

Here is the former Israeli security chief in his public statement. Do you think he knows something?

This is not a conspiracy just as 2 years worth of rain down pouring in 24 hours in Dubai is not climate change. We are in a WAR and it is accelerating.

Former Israeli space security chief says extraterrestrials exist, and Trump knows about it A “galactic federation” has been waiting for humans to “reach a stage where we will understand… what space and spaceships are,” Haim Eshed said.

Eshed said cooperation agreements had been signed between species, including an “underground base in the depths of Mars” where there are American astronauts and alien representatives.

“There is an agreement between the U.S. government and the aliens. They signed a contract with us to do experiments here,” he said.

Eshed added that President Donald Trump was aware of the extraterrestrials’ existence and had been “on the verge of revealing” information but was asked not to in order to prevent “mass hysteria.”

“They have been waiting until today for humanity to develop and reach a stage where we will understand, in general, what space and spaceships are,” Eshed said, referring to the galactic federation.

As I have said before, I have seen many craft and have been in one. You can read about this encounter in my book ‘Light Medicine – A New Paradigm – The Science of Light, Spirit and Longevity”. This article is simply for you to consider that the current events are a harbinger of what is yet to come.

All of this is reality unfolding. After seeing the devastating scenes from the hurricane Helene I thought you should look at this US Navy map if you have not seen it yet. Walls of water are coming.

Here are some historic documents of interest.

And lastly, don’t you think this is an interesting US Postal Stamp chosen for 2024?

Who are we really fighting?

Seek the high places… look at the map. Get out of the cities. They are 5G concentration camps. Get away from the water. Your cell phone is a weapon. Look at the Rothschild patent. Everything about you is being monitored and it can be electronically turned off. Note the GPS tracking – they know where you are at all times. Get rid of your cell phone and any other smart device.

Do it now.

God wins.


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