As U.S. Dollar Collapses Trump Proposes (Worthless) 100% Sanctions on Countries DeDollarizing

Trump Pledges 100% Tariff On Countries Abandoning US Dollar

The Dollar will Collapse anyways.  The U.S. ILLEGALLY STEALING RUSSIAN MONEY IN BANKS HAS PROVEN TO THE WORLD THAT WE ARE LIARS AND NOT TO BE TRUSTED.  THE TRUTH IS NO ONE LIKES THE U.S.  We are considered a Terrorist country and Bully  Run by SATANISTs.  Furthermore all these bandaids on the Dollar Collapsing:  Getting Binance and other Crypto Exchanges to Invest in the Useless U.S. Dollar and Treasury Bills, Forcing people to use the Collapsing Doctor with Sanctions will just make everyone resent the U.S. more.  33 TRILLION Debt cannot be overcome by these measures.  The Banksters are planning to raid their own depositors and steal from them too!  This is the Dodd-Frank Bank Bail-In.  Pretty soon the Depositors will be broke, pissed and angry and screaming at Washington, D.C.  I see no hope except for a total Financial Restructuring which is what LaRouche fought for but unless Trump gets in this will not happen.  I think Trump is purposely going to be put in so the Collapse is on his head as a “Christian” to fuck up everyone’s lives.  He is not a Christian IMAO.  At Least $220 QUADRILLION Dollars in Derivative debt—totally unpayable.  Watch the banksters bail-in and steal depositors funds, jump start WW3 and even do a EMF blackout to avoid the inevitable…taxpayer rising and resistance.

LaRouche then and now had the answers.  Well worth a read although time-consuming.  If you are not a reader watch the videos.  We need to join the BRICS and Join with Russia & China the liberators of the world from the Satanic Colonial British Empire.

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