Bombshell Information on Joe Biden


I have a friend who lives in Biden’s home state of delaware. He says it’s a very strange state. He says literally the Biden family are heavily involved in incest, and everyone in Delaware knows that
The proof is everywhere… Hunter Biden’s laptop contained videos and images of him with his nieces.. there are tons of pictures everywhere Joe Biden making out with his granddaughters publicly… Often the granddaughters accompany Biden on trips so that he can play with them, if there aren’t any other kids available for him..
The hundreds of pictures on the internet that you see of Biden fondling, kissing, and touching little children are everywhere… Many times, those little children were promised to Biden in return for him appointing those children’s parents to cushy government positions… That’s how it works, pimp your kids out to these sickos, and you’ll be rewarded for it
You have to ask yourself, why are the Bidens so dysfunctional? Hunter is messed up on crack, Biden’s daughter Ashley has a severe drug problem and in her diary confessed that as a little girl she would take showers with Joe where he would rape her.. everyone in Delaware knows this, it’s Delaware’s biggest kept secret
When Joe was Obama’s vice president, it is known that he rarely spent nights in Washington DC, secret service would drive him to Delaware where he would be taken to different homes where child would be waiting for him to rape… All recorded on video for blackmail purposes

Joe Biden is also a known adrenochrome addict.. if that’s even the real Biden… Everyone is speculating that he is using a body double, as he looks nothing like he did even a few years ago…

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