Censorship in America’s Prisons: Book Banning

George Mallinckrodt 

INVITATION: Discuss Book-Banning to Hide Oppression: Friday, January 8, 2016, 9pm

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EST, please join George Mallinckrodt and Mary Neal in discussions about the Florida Department of Corrections’ ban on Mallinckrodt’s book, “Getting Away with Murder.” The book regards the scalding torture and murder of Darren Rainey, a mentally ill, black, middle age inmate who was brutally killed by guards in Dade Correctional Institution in 2012, whose murder is yet unrequited. Call our FreeConferenceCall number (605)562-0020, code: 992-212-650. Let us discuss violations against Americans’ rights under the First Amendment and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, ‪#‎government‬ cover-ups,‪#‎prisoner‬ torture, and the USDOJ’s failures to uphold the Civil Rights of Institutionalized Persons Act (CRIPA) of 1980. That is a U.S. federal law intended to protect the rights of people in state or local correctional facilities, nursing homes, mental health facilities and institutions for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.​

Read the entire article at

http://marylovesjustice.blogspot.com/2015/12/getting-away-with-murder-through.html Stand with us against book banning to hide murders.

My Comment:  Amerika has become like a Soviet Gulag where mentally ill are tortured to death and the staff get away with it!

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