Creating a Delta Assassin


Posted by Galactic Connection | Dec 25, 2018 | 2018Conspiracy, CabalDaily BlogMK-Ultra |  |     

Interview with nurse that worked at secret (MK-ULTRA Delta) training facility


In 2013 I interviewed White Wolf Von Atzingen, survivor of an elite MK Ultra Delta assasin program carried out by the US government. This program was a compartmentalized department of the CIA named SOES, Shadow Operation Extermination Squad.

The updated material consists of an informal Question and Answer dialogue format between “Kira” and several members of the Wolf Den–(a private Web forum for members).  Kira was one of the nurses who assisted in the same secret training facility White Wolf trained at in Fort Detrick, Maryland back in the 1990s. Kira uses the name Ariksun in this Q&A which took place in April 2015. Much of this is from an informal updating on a private forum. In this dialogue there are specifics described regarding White Wolf’s general training, and unique information rarely discussed about mind control programming, trauma, alter personalities and also astral operations and programming. Apparently Kira also “escaped” her medical job with the “Shadow government”. She too, was essentially forced into her own employment with the US government shadow side. Kira retained proof of White Wolf’s involvement and kept some ofhis medical records, proving the truth of his testimony of involvment in this inhumane Black Op assassination squad training. Many elements of the occult are also included, which seem to be part and parcel of these kinds of programs.

*For persons newly discovering their own mind control programming or in early research and healing modes may find this material triggering.

Recent Note From Kira:

The following Q&A is I suppose a tie-up and attempt at clarifying some foggy details in the interview between White Wolf and Evie. After living on the move and mostly without Internet access for over two decades I managed to contact White Wolf in early spring of 2015. I’d reached a small window in life where I felt I was able to offer some insights, answers and perhaps clarifying details to some of White Wolf’s information presented in numerous formats, including his book Shadow Scorpion; memoirs of an assassin. With that in mind he decided to open a Q&A format in his Wolf’s Den for those members. I agreed and the following is what materialized.

You’ll find out more about me in the lengthy Q&A session. For now suffice to say that I knew White Wolf many years ago when he was in a government training facility in the capacity of one of his assigned medical caretakers. I was privy to a great deal of information that he wasn’t as well as having bared witness to much of what he endured. This lent me perspectives he didn’t have which has allowed me to offer some clarifying and expanded information through this Q&A.

White Wolf’s seemed to remember quite a lot, which is very surprising considering what levels of trauma he went through. Even so, there are a number of points he didn’t recall correctly or with much clarity. Hopefully this Q&A will assist in correcting those points for readers. I will simply sign off with the name he referred to me as in his autobiographical book. Kira

Ariksun (Kira):

I’m more comfortable answering questions asked than presenting information not asked for. After all, I don’t know anyone here besides White Wolf. I’m happy that people are interested though and I don’t mind answering your questions if I can.

Q: Do you feel White Wolf has remembered all he’s presented accurately?

A- He’s remembered much which is quite surprising given the facts. When I performed follow up labs a year after his graduation, only 1 in 8 trainees remembered anything of the training facility under hypnosis and none recalled anything in their normal conscious state. White Wolf was one who could remember, but again only under deep hypnosis.

The facility he was trained at wasn’t in Maryland. It wasn’t at Fort Detrick. The facility was in southern Pennsylvania near Gettysburg. It also wasn’t a single facility. It was made up of three separate compounds spread apart by some miles. There was a tunnel system connecting all three compounds that was used to shuttle the trainees from one to another. Given the state they were kept in, their minds believed all compounds to be one place.

The northern compound contained the small lake and surrounding swamp. There wasn’t much there. The southern compound was the main facility where all the medical labs, behavioral processes, genetic technology, colored rooms and psychic driving areas and activities took place. The western compound was in the Appalachian Mountains and is where the trainees worked their mountain training. That compound is also where the largest indoor gymnasium sat.

Once every 6 months the trainees were shuttled down to the main research facility in Fort Detrick for in-depth testing. Fluid, tissue, bone and hair samples were taken and psych analysis was performed to cross-check the records being kept in the PA facilities. They would give us dose updates for each trainee as well based upon their results.

One other detail I’ll give at this time concerns White Wolf’s one female handler. Her name wasn’t Diana. That’s one of the many names she used, but it wasn’t her name. She went by Diana, Lagina, Twila, Belinda and others. She always used Diana around White Wolf, so that was what he knew her as. She was a demon in human skin!

Q- “Do you have any information on how later, after White Wolf’s initial training, he had horrid nightmares? Was this astral projection by the programmers?

This natural immunity that you speak of, is this what ‘they’ are now attempting to corral in the general population?”

A- Nightmares are all part of the processes the trainees were being forced through. The consciousness can only take so much before it fractures. The rest it hides inside the subconscious. Those emotions too heavy for the conscious to deal with come forward in the dream state from the subconscious. Though he’d have nightmares before the training, and that was most likely from the access techniques the programmers used to slowly prepare him for the training facility.

I have no access to what “they” are working with today. It could be anything.

Q- How does one extract oneself away from such assignments?

A- It’s very hard. In most cases you need to “escape”, sneak away and stay hidden. It all depends on what your involvement was. They usually don’t just let you go.

Q- During this time, what was your living situation? Did you live in provided living quarters, or were you able to have a private off-duty life?

A- All workers had apartment lodging in the residence section of the south facility. I only lived there when trainees were working through blocks. When trainees were off-facility I was given leave. Two weeks prior to trainees returning for the next block I’d be called back in. I was a nurse. My position only existed when trainees were there and however long it took to either prepare for their arrival or do wrap-ups after they left. My private life was rather boring.

Q- Were employees such as you, also given portions of these treatments to keep you more submissive and compliant? Or, was numbness your primary ‘controller’?

A- No. We were there to work. We were all specially trained and we just did the work. I knew I couldn’t leave so there wasn’t much to do besides focus on the work and deal as best as I could manage.

I was only assigned to a few trainees while other nurses were responsible for others. White Wolf was of course one I was assigned to during his training.

Once I was caught talking to White Wolf when I wasn’t supposed to be. We weren’t allowed to communicate with the trainees beyond their medical conditions. We were to view them as lab animals, something you don’t get to know. Punishment for my actions was being drugged and forced into ritual with White Wolf, more than once. The ritual chamber was in an underground bomb shelter beneath the north facility. It was a truly horrible place. Since White Wolf’s mind was already fractured and being manipulated at every turn, he didn’t remember until bleed-throughs occurred later. Even in a drugged state I was very much consciously aware. I’ve never been able to forget.

Q- What was being used to heal the trainees so quickly? Was there a cocktail mix in the IVs? I remember other modalities mentioned in the SS book, also.

A- I think I answered part of this already. Drug cocktails that’d vary in accordance to each trainee and what they were being put through at the time, combined with forced hypnosis, subliminal frequencies and the depth of programming itself. There were other methods, but those were the main ones. You’d be surprised at how the brain can heal the body when forcefully directed and manipulated with external measures of science. There’re always side-effects though, emotional side-effects because injury holds emotion and forced healing doesn’t allow for the emotions to heal.

Q- Was there an average age of these trainees? Similar characters or traits that might mark them for such an induction? They seem to have individual strengths and abilities, yet there could easily be a common thread of personality, for example.

A- The average age bracket was between 16 and 21. Most of the trainees were 18-21 though. The common thread was genetics and how their brains functioned by-way of childhood development. Skills came next in-line.

Q- You say that you found you could not refuse this job offer. How did they strong-arm you into working for them? For how long?

A- They paid for my training and when the position offer was made it was combined with the message that it’d be the only position I’d be able to find. If I didn’t take it I’d be working in the fast-food industry the rest of my life, at best. I worked for them for 7 years before running.

Q- How were you oriented into this program? Did you observe first-hand torturing and other training techniques? (I cannot imagine a better way to intimidate new hires behind locked gates.)

A- I was a nurse so I was present for anything physically aggressive the trainees went through. I was present from the psychic driving phases through graduation. Many times I’d be in the adjacent room tending the monitors tracking the trainees vitals. There was always a two-way mirror present though because I couldn’t monitor everything through the machines. Sometimes I’d have to be in the same room because I was required to administer various chemicals into the IV tubes. I’m shaking just think of all this.

Q- What kind of relationship did you, Ariksun, have with White Wolf?

A- We didn’t have a relationship like that. I never thought of him in that way, which is why I was so happy to hear he and his wife found each other. The connection I shared with him was just something based upon two people living in hell who’d come to understand something deeper. His energy helped open areas of life inside me, areas that were closed off. I think I was just someone that helped him from getting completely destroyed by the program. His deeper personality that is. Most of the other trainees had nothing left of their core personality by the time their training was finished. It was a survival “relationship”, not a “girlfriend- boyfriend” sexual relationship. Reconnecting with White Wolf, no matter how briefly, feels more like reaching out to a long lost younger brother than anything.

Q: Did other clinicians disappear – walk away – to get out of this assignment? Or, did they simply ‘disappear’?

A- One co-nurse that I got along with disappeared halfway through one of the training blocks in 1987. I inquired after her once and was sternly told she decided the work wasn’t for her. I knew not to ask any more and never found out what became of her. Beyond her I never saw anyone leave or disappear. Some of the nurses seemed to really enjoy working with the trainees and were quite taken with all they were being put through.

Q: In looking at your comments about fracturing trainee minds I get the impression that they lose that spark of life and become flat in personality. Is that a correct assessment? Does this newly formed, base personality change with alters? Or, does this manipulated personality carry over from one alter to another?

A- In some cases the broken mind goes flat, but in other cases that spark seems to get condensed. When that happened it seemed the personality had difficulty expressing itself after, though through designated programmed skills the personality would explode with force and precision. Alters could be molded into any format and energy. The alter’s always fully manipulated. One alter could be seemingly flat while another could be quite flamboyant in the same brain.

Q: Blake clearly states that women trainees did not go through the same regimen as did the men. Did you work with women also? If so, what types of methods to break them were used on the females, differing from the males?

A- I never saw any females part of the training program White Wolf was part of. It was all male trainees. In the southern facility there was a dual compound. One of those was designated to training females in psychic tracking (Locators). However, those girls didn’t go through a psychic driving phase. They were selected through specialty school testing, genetics and mental strength (mental endurance). Drugs were used in their training combined with deep mentalist programming techniques to literally “brainwash” them into full acceptance of their work. Beyond the later phases of trainee – locator frequency bonding, the female locator trainees had no exposure to any of the other sections of the triad compound.

Q: You show much tenacity and courage. In assessing your past years’ experiences you came to a seminal moment when you decided to walk away from this nightmare. Was it a particular circumstance or the culmination of everything? “They” certainly could have caused your death upon your disappearing and could at any time. What do you think is the reason ‘they’ are allowing you to live?

A- I simply couldn’t take it anymore. The energy, the people, what was being done, what I was a part of creating and the constant reminder that I’d be tied to it on some level of work for the rest of my life. I began struggling everyday not to have a mental breakdown.

There was one other trainee group that graduated that program after White Wolf’s group. Once they graduated and were sent into the field, the facility started a closure process that took thirteen months. I, along with the other nurses working beside me, was sent to the med labs in Fort Detrick full-time. My duties consisted of working in containment rooms doing tests on people exposed to lab created viruses and bacteria and documenting their reactions. It was horrible.

I ‘m alive because I’ve been running and hiding ever since I left. It took me over two decades to figure out how to manage living this way, who to contact for “legal” papers containing fake names, how to travel and where, how to get money and stay away from the U.S. For the first five years I lived in shacks in the poorest parts of the globe, a ghost.

Q: You stated that you had access to many documents and records throughout this stint.

Can you speak about information on alters that has not already been discussed in various writings here at EM? For example, Do you know how many ‘alters’ got placed into White Wolf? Is there a way to find out? (I do not recall that White Wolf has discussed any total numbers and if there is a way to find out. How could the individual know if alters remain hidden.)

A- I’ve reviewed White Wolf’s material on alters and he even recently sent me a podcast set he’d made exposing more in-depth details, and there’s not much else to add. I think he did an amazing job explaining them.

Only through incredible patience and constant mental work can a person find alters. It’s a slow and oftentimes maddening process. If a person goes too deep, too fast their mind will break or they’ll destroy sections of their mind along the way. Many times those destroyed pieces are necessary keys to unlocking deeper levels of trauma. Through my training and past work I can say many people programmed with levels and levels of alters will never find them all. The labyrinth is far too complex and guarded to navigate without all the accurate codes and specific processes for the structured sequences.

Since I was part of White Wolf’s training, in the medical arena, I saw the creation work of many of his alters. I’ve no clear memory of exact numbers. Many of his alters were overlapped onto other alters and even twinned so if one was found, the other would spin off and activate alternate protection protocols to continue on. His mind was strong enough and his rage was powerful enough, as well as his animal nature and connection, that the programmers were able to create dozens of key alters and multitudes of sub-alters in him. The majority would never see the light of day, but rather were foundations for more complex alters. His defense system is incredible.

I know he’s healed so much and turned into a truly wonderful person, but he’ll never be able to find even a quarter of his alters. With the healing of his psyche the alters connected either meld back into his core personality, get destroyed if the process is not done correctly (and then that section of him is lost) or the alter will activate protection sequences to meld into another alter not yet found. The more broken pieces along the way, the less availability a person has to access the deeper recesses of the alter labyrinth world and many simply get “locked”, never to be seen or heard from, but also never to be healed and reunited with the core.

Q: And, concerning the Lilith demise, I remember White Wolf saying that he accessed her controlling codes but not others. What type of control codes were used? (I envision that the codes control and activate the alters, is this correct?)

A- The main codes she possessed controlled his shifting abilities. I seem to recall she also had a few codes to activate ritual alters in him, all animal based alters. However, yes the codes were sequences of numbers, colors and even words or partial words in old languages not known to the trainee. All codes are used to trigger and control alter personalities.

Q: Several days ago when you first appeared here, you stated that White Wolf’s energies could not be controlled, only directed. Now, that you have communicated with him, what are your impressions?

A- I’d have to say the same as I’ve stated before and agree with what Sami detailed in his comments on the article: Fight to the Death. I’ve seen the intensity of his energy, open and in-full. This isn’t something he’ll ever be able to control, only direct. Once an energy like that’s created in someone you can’t just un-create it, rather it requires a focal point.

Q: You mention being assigned to Fort Detrick and their varied ‘studies.’ Can you provide more specific information as to what diseases and viruses that you observed?

A- They were working with SARS, Anthrax, Ebola, Cholera, Avian Influenza, HIV, Marburg, Smallpox, Junin, Crimea-Congo, Tetanus, Tuberculosis, Syphilis, and Staphyloccus. Those are the ones I saw in the workings. They had higher level compounds where top specialist worked with things you don’t even want to know exist.

Q: Personally, that you came out of this in one sane piece is phenomenal, in my opinion. Yes, we become deadened for a time for self preservation. What inner core have you discovered about yourself that supports you through whatever may come about?

A- After witnessing what the trainees were put through, I had it easy. What I witnessed wasn’t fun, but I think in many ways it was way easier to remain “sane” being a nurse than being a trainee. The main thing that keeps me going is knowing there’re people out there like White Wolf that have managed to get out and create good lives for themselves no matter what the world did to them. I’d like to think I might’ve had a small part in that.

Q: Earlier today, I felt that this way of the world, where we exist today, and how you figure in this story of White Wolf, all relates to the balance of masculine/feminine energies. Any thoughts?

A- I’ve never given it much thought, so I don’t really have an idea to share.

Q: When was it that you first experienced something that made you question your senses because it challenged what you previously thought to be “reality”.

A- I was in my first year at the facility. Handlers brought in a skinny 17 year old kid. He weighed about 145 pounds. In the room with him was a mock brick wall section. They were real bricks, but not an entire wall. We all left the room and viewed through the two-way mirror. That kid was triggered through sound being directed into the room through speakers. He attacked the wall with his body, hands, and feet, everything he had. He bloodied himself on those bricks and crumbled the wall. He never gave in to the pain or injuries. Through sound he was triggered again and out of that alter. The lighting in the room changed to black light. And three separate frequencies were sent through the speakers. When the sound stopped and the white lights returned that kid was spotless and wandering around the room in a state of confusion. That was my first wake-up call to a deeper aspect of what was happening in that facility.

Q: what was the most incredible, super normal “this isn’t possible” -type of thing you have ever witnessed?

A- That would’ve had to be with White Wolf. It was his third year in. His trainers kept him awake for three full 24 hour periods without food or fluids in a windowless cell room the size of a small closet. They pumped in various continuously changing sounds for those three days and nights. Sequences would be broken by short pauses of silence only to start up again. When they pulled him naked out of that cell he could hardly stand. He couldn’t speak, didn’t know his name and was delirious. They dragged him down the hall and tossed him into the dog room. This was a square, empty room with trap doors where trained attack and war dogs would be let into the enclosure. The first door opened and the first dog entered. The dog attacked and instantly, White Wolf changed. He completely changed. The dog was dead in less than a minute. The second door opened and the third and two more dogs entered and attacked. White Wolf killed them both and only received shallow lacerations. With three war dogs dead around him, he strolled naked up to the two-way mirror, called out the names of us standing behind it, in order from one side to the other as though he could see us, walked back to one of the dogs, tore out its heart and began drinking the blood from it.

There may’ve been other incidents, and I’m sure there were, but that’s the one that stands out in answer to your question Wolfgrylls.

Thank you for you kind wishes Diane and Wolfgrylls. I feel them even in this cold gray place that I currently call home.

~~~Old Update~~~

Wolfgrylls- I was around the training processes long enough to be able to pick up basic techniques for urban evasion; knowing which countries to target, how to manage passports and travel itineraries along with how to stay low. I’m not near as adept as those specifically trained for such tradecraft, but I knew enough to get by. Now of course I’ve had over two decades of experience, so the processes have become easier. The lifestyle though has never been all that easy.

The dog event White Wolf detailed in his book wasn’t the same one I described above. That was a separate event. They pitted him against dogs numerous times throughout his training. It was horrible to watch.

Matthew- I saw how alters are created through physical and psychological methods combined. I’ve never been exposed to the new styles of instant downloads and distant manipulations of the younger generations. I’d think trying to reincorporate alter personalities would remain similar no matter which method was used to create them. I couldn’t say for sure. Sadly, I was involved in the medical practices of creating alters, not reintegrating them. I’ve heard that one method for beginning to address alters is to first identify how they were created; physically/psychologically forced, or technologically induced. Once the general time period and process is identified, one would move into analyzing how those general processes have and are still playing out in their life. Alters are addicts. They crave the energy of their maker and seek always to hold that energy close. The more active the alter, the more those events/energies/original processes can be seen in the persons overall lifestyle. I’ve heard that the alter personality separation can be approached through the identification of the addictions, and working to reroute the obsessions of those addictions to more beneficial energies that support the core personality. I wish I could be of more use with details, but as I said, it wasn’t part of what I worked with. Even the works of big names in the 40’s and 50’s worked to create fractures and alters, not heal from it. I know White Wolf has two very nice podcasts detailing alters. Perhaps something in them would help you, if he is willing to offer them for viewing.

~~~Old Update~~~

I like what Prajna’s said about questioning “programs” and what may or may not be in someone’s mind. I’ve read Matthew’s “program” list and though I recognize the names, and “Ammon” also used those terms but clearly understood the much more thorough titles , in the training facility those terms weren’t around. I’m not sure where they originated. The programs used in the training facility had coded titles. For instance, an elite alpha alter conditioned with assassination for foreign solid assignments would’ve been called, Delta-34-Beta-Red-2. This contains the level of alter personality – Delta, the facility number in-which the alter was created -34, the color code of the alters purpose – Red and ending with the global sector for activation work – 2, for general overseas. “Assassin” programming is a name quite generic in my opinion, because the programs contain that line of skill were many leveled.

It’s a very important point Prajna made by saying we can’t fall prey to the words of others when we don’t ourselves have physical proof of such detailed manipulation. True, everyone’s affected by the global control systems, but in my experience only very few were subject to the rigors of such elite and difficult “programming”. I know there is some out there today trying to persuade the masses that their all “programmed” with these high level covert programs, but I’m not so sure that’s accurate. White Wolf showed me his old covert programming name guide he compiled a while back. I can certainly see many elite conditioning programs laced within those titles that have been used in the U.S., but I’ve my doubts that the amount of people who either claim or are said to contain such programs is accurate. I’ve even emailed conversed With White Wolf recently about this, and he agrees the statements of percentages are probably quite high and a product of both the control system itself and greed. I’ve been researching people promoting such numbers and names and I can say my personal feeling is that there’s little more to them than greed and deep seeded fear with the need to manipulate and control everything around them. Use discretion.


Even today programs exist to elite program and mind control people. These programs are very physical, very real and therefore the people being manipulated are on-site. With my experience, from what I’ve witnessed I find it very difficult to believe or even understand how people could possibly be elite programmed through off – site, distant measures. The process of breaking people down and conditioning them for the creation of complex level alters (which are required for elite level programming) and then downloading the program matrix is so incredibly complex and detailed. I’ve no idea how this could possibly done at a distance through satellites and video games. From what I’ve seen this just isn’t possible.

General programming to make the populace compliant is easy, but elite level programming is not and a good percentage of people going through that elite programming process die because it’s so intense.

One interesting feature is White Wolf’s psychic sensitivity. Like Sami stated in his comments under the Fight to the Death article, White Wolf’s ability to “see” something at a distance, to know something beyond logical means, is quite captivating. At the training facility they even tried to gear him towards psychic work because he’s got an inert ability to see energies within people that could potentially host a “program”. However, White Wolf’s mind was far better sited and geared towards hunting and killing. I remember a meeting where “Blake” stated, “If we only had two of him we could use one for each enhancement path.” “Samil” was saying White Wolf’s psychic sensitivities in-part came strongly from his genetics, beings that the red-head gene runs strongly in his blood, as does the genetics of the Aryna race.

~~~Old Update~~~

One of the most insidious programs I’m aware of that began in the late 80’s and ran though the mid 90’s was a foundational system that was so successful it branched into numerous versions that spread globally. I was made aware of this program because in the south facility there was a compound where test models were occasionally conducted. The program started by targeting people who heavily used drugs and alcohol. Obviously by that time the CIA had been smuggling in drugs from south of the boarder and Asia for decades. The drug train in the U.S. was full. The 60’s decade was a broad-scale test time frame, which proved successful. It was also a time frame where vast amounts of drugs could be quickly and easily dispersed widely throughout the country. Once that time period passed the drugs simply grew in strength and penetrated all levels of society.

The next major phase beyond the 60’s and 70’s was the programming aspect. Enough of the population by then was addicted to various drugs, so phase two went into play. It was called, Shadow Chaser- B (beta). In my opinion it was one of the worst programs ever run. The object was to dup people while in drugged and stupor states into thinking they had been programmed with elite programs. The process was fairly simple. In an altered state under the influence of drugs and alcohol, the subject’s mind opens and naturally occurring compartments start dissolving into one another. This creates the hallucinogenic symptoms. The main people targeted were people using hallucinogens like LSD, Mushrooms and many others, and of course the ever popular relaxant, Marijuana and alcohol.

One the mind was under the hallucinogenic state it was easy to manipulate and induce imagery, sound and the overall senses of the person. This was done through frequency using standard radio waves. These frequency combinations were fed into the radio waves and anyone under the influence of drugs would be strongly subjected to the effects of Shadow Chaser- B.

Within that decade of monitoring, the testing facilities found 90% of users to be “hooked” by the Shadow Chaser- B. Practically an entire generation of people who used drugs for recreation, “spirituality” and alcoholics had been successfully duped into believing they’d been “programmed”, abducted or otherwise messed with by “covert” sources. Phase three went into effect and created false memories through drug use. Again this was so successful they opened the program up to the world.

“One the of the most wicked things is to make people think their programmed, insane or otherwise mentally instable when they’re not.” The reason it was named Shadow Chaser is because the idea was to create a wide-spread general web program, to make people believe they were crazy, programmed, etc, and keep them chasing shadows so they’d be “out of the way” and wouldn’t be using their inherent beautiful energies and gifts for global benefits.

If someone believes their programmed with elite programming, but has no memory, no proof of events and high level skills, they may very well fall into the Shadow Chaser system. Shadow Chaser preyed upon low self worth, abandonment and minds diffused by chemical drugs. Wouldn’t it be something for someone influenced by such a program to change their focus and start living a fulfilling life away from the process of chasing shadows? Interestingly, one of the side-effects from test subjects was an incredible denial system developed by the programs in those afflicted people. Even when absolute proof was show to them, they’d aggressively deny it and desperately hold onto the falsehoods of the program. It truly was an act of evil in my opinion. Shadow Chaser was a “general” program matrix, wide-spread and global in use.

Once again, I don’t know any of you here beyond White Wolf, so I don’t know where you’ve been. I’m not saying any of you are or aren’t programmed or were or weren’t part of covert programs like White Wolf was. I’m just sharing details of what I know. I hope you understand.

White Wolf emailed me and asked if I’d perhaps outline exactly how “specific”, elite programming is done and perhaps show how it might be extremely difficult to perform outside of physical apprehension and manipulation. I could, but it may take some time so I’d like to here if anyone else here is interested in such details before I invest the time.

~~~Old Update~~~

I saw three subjects who’d been exposed to Shadow Chaser-B commit suicide two years afterward. They were so convinced they’d been taken by the government and tortured and mind controlled, but had absolutely no proof, no physical scars or aliments from the torture, no clear memories of anything, just a gut-level speculation. It drove them mad and they took their own life for something that never happened, only because Shadow Chaser-B made them believe it did.

Wolfrgylls has a good point. He mentioned turning to government programming as a possible explanation to give a name to the mental challenges he has. In my experience as a psych-nurse, I’ve found many people who’ve experienced extreme traumas during childhood, like being raped by a parent or sibling, find it easier to place blame for their adult issues on something that never happened than to face the reality of what did. When I was still working in that field it was one of the most common patterns I witnessed. Though it’s true that some people who suffered childhood abuse were also exposed to government programs, there is always proof in those cases; physical scars, medical records, files, bodily trauma from injury inflicted during the programs among other very real red-lights showing the reality of the said events. This’ a very physical world and intense scars left by bodily injury don’t just disappear. I worked as a nurse for these programs. I know from lots of experience that the torture done to the physical body leave scars, scars that don’t just disappear. Even scars left by injuries done in altered states don’t leave the body memory. When the alter is triggered out the scars simply “hide”.  Though in time the body and brain energy can no longer maintain the high maintenance alter holding levels and the scars begin to show up on a permanent basis. Even severe sickness states will bring out scars from alters because the body takes as much energy from the brain as possible for physical healing, leaving little left to maintain alter integrity. Usually in those cases the person’s so low on energy that they’re unable to act through alter states even when the walls deteriorate.

I researched people with “big” names claiming to have been tortured by the government in horrific ways and those same people have not s scar on their bodies. Those same people also claim to have reintegrated many of their alter personalities that gave them memories back from those times of torture. I fail to believe their stories for reasons just stated.

Another important detail is the fact that people elite programmed (specifically programmed) are always utilized for the skills they were programmed with. There’s always a life pattern of movement and actions that show the programming was being utilized. There’s also always very specific and well laid out and executed skills that can be shown and seen. People exposed to general web programs such as Shadow Chaser have no such proof, no physical signs, no enhanced skills and abilities that fit the elite programs.

Q: This whole programming process sounds so proficient. Did you ever get a sense of who devised it? Or, were there others in the background who oversaw this programming process? Off-worlders come to mind. Did the usual instructors do this programming?

A- I never worked with the programming aspect. I only worked with the health of the trainees, physical, mental and emotional. I was exposed to witnessing many of the programming procedures because they were brutally harsh on the human body and I was required to maintain the trainees’ physical integrity. Even so, I wasn’t exposed to the background beyond human history. I can’t say where the processes originated; only that it’s been around for a long time. There were various level instructors in the facility. The ones specializing in the programming procedures were the only ones involved with that aspect.

Q: Even though you have been away from this programming, are there techniques that you learned of how to reduce or eliminate some astral intrusions?

A- The astral energy’s very real in my opinion and experience. Of course there are two levels of access that I’m aware of. A complete access where astral navigation is embarked upon outside the self and a partial access where the astral is only navigated within one’s own mind. The complete access is the genuine access of the astral itself. The partial access is more of a mind play that dabbles with astral energy but has very little effect. It’s more of an advanced dream or hallucination. It all seems “real”, but the energies are so weak, nothing real and lasting occurs. The complete access is where manifestations occur and this includes astral to body. People trained in astral spying and even combat can be physically injured just as real and easy as if they were injured in the flesh. Injuries inflicted in the complete astral access will always show up on the physical body and can be clearly see and felt upon the return to flesh. If one dies in the complete astral access, they die in their physical form as well.

Astral intrusion most of the time is connected to part of the brain or mind keeping a foot in the door, so to speak. What I was told is that if a person removes their focus from the astral, completely in brain and mind, it becomes difficult for astral energy to bleed into their physical life. I’ve found being grounded and centered and focusing genuinely on what I’m doing helps to keep my mind and brain from wandering into astral dream energies while awake.

As to blocking specific astral targeting, I think White Wolf’s laid out some really powerful advice in many of his articles I’ve read in this den.

Q: During your experiences, did you ever see a code used to ‘untrigger’ someone? Your explanations of how tricky this whole process is, leads me to wonder if a ‘wipe clean’ slate was used in order to re-program.

A- Absolutely. Many codes exist to trigger programmed people out of alters. I’m not aware of any codes that can “wipe-clean” a person’s mind from the program matrix though. You can program over old programming, but I’ve not seen an “erase button”.

Q: Were non-humans involved in either side of this programming – trainee or trainer?

A- They did use animals quite a bit in various levels of certain trainee’s programming. Being one of the higher level medical workers in the facility I had to keep records on my assigned employees as well as my assigned trainees. There were two people on my chart that had blood readings I could never fully read and was always told to “ignore” those readings because they were above my pay-grade. “Lilith’s” blood was very strange. I’d never seen anything like it before. There was also a woman from the Locator training side whose blood readings also made no sense to me. To me both of them couldn’t have been full human, but I’ve no idea beyond that besides strange speculations. I’ve heard there were/are “Off-world” species involved in certain bases and programs around the world, but in the one I worked in the only thing that might suggest something of that nature was those two women’s blood labs. There were areas of the triad compounds I wasn’t allowed in or even near. I never knew what took place in those areas. White Wolf and a few other trainees in his group were brought into two of them on occasion. There were also levels under Ft. Detrick that I didn’t have access to and had no idea what took place down there. I didn’t want to know!

Q: This programming process undoubtedly gets to our ‘core’ selves. “They” know us better than we do. Did you find safe methods in getting to the core self?

A- I’m not sure I understand this question. I was never elite programmed.


Just a few things about myself you might wish to know. I’m in my late 40’s, have pale blond hair and blue eyes. I never had parents that I knew. I never had a family. I was raised in a state orphanage after my mother gave me up when I was born. In school I’d get straight A’s in every subject and was placed in “specially gifted” classes. I completed high school when I was 15 and soon after, when I turned 16, was placed in a special program at MIT for medical and psychology training. That was the only life I knew.

~~~Old Update~~~

Q: With so many caught under that umbrella (Shadow Chaser), how do you see it affecting their children?  They would be groomed socially into a particular mind-thinking pattern, would they not?  Not to mention easy pickings for continuation of the program to the children…

A- Well if you can get the parents think they’re part of some covert project, they’ll have a higher chance of passing along those ideas and possible hysteric or hyperactivity to their children. This could be done through verbal communication or simply emotional behavior. Overtime, such conditioning could be built and passed along through genetics, yes.

Q:  In your travels how do you see all of this programming/mind control evolving?  It might be difficult for you to assess what goes on in this country, but sadly, many are greatly dazed and hooked into their technology phones, etc.  Many truly appear like zombies with eyes glazed.

It seems that we are all being attacked in one way or another with the ELF, satellite coverage, etc.  I suspect that these energies serve to maintain others who are already on Shadow Chaser programming, for instance.

A- Right now I’m sitting in a late night Internet café, and the people in here certainly seem to be in a zombie state! It isn’t just in the U.S. I can tell you that. The industrial nations I’ve been to, for the most part, are filled with people hooked on the spreading handheld tech. I think the future holds a high potential for nations of hunchbacks that can see nothing further than 5 feet away! What I see are empty holes of dissatisfaction inside people being filled with the ever increasing technology that further removes them from themselves and the real world around them. The virtual cloud grows ever larger and more consuming and yes that could be considered a form of general mind control.

The third world countries I’ve been to are somewhat different. The tech control isn’t really there, but typically the U.S. can be found experimenting with drugs, viruses and bacteria on the populations. The overall depression of squalor’s also blatantly apparent. The young and old suffer from disease, starvation and violence funded by the industrial nations raking in the money and resources in the wake. The tech control will never reach those places, but those people are controlled in other manners.

There are very few places I’ve been where the control system is seemingly lacking.

Q: Can you explain fuller what you meant by ‘astral dream energy’?

A- When we dream, part of our energy either partly enters the astral levels of our mind or spiritual/ether levels. People can bounce between those two paths all night. Astral dream energy is the energy of the person being used to access and wander the astral energy in the mind. That’s quite basic, but I suppose one could spend quite a long time in detailing such phenomenon.

Q:  Your bio shows attending MIT.  Were you specifically trained there to become this specialized type of nurse for the agency – special classes?  It blows my mind that one can go from training to be a nurse and begin working at such a facility.  Orientation for SOES must have been a real mind-bender.

A- Yes I mentioned this in a comment quite a while back in the discussion, possibly in another thread. I was given a spot in a specialty training program for “gifted” students where the focus was on physical medicine and deep level psychology. I ran on a full scholarship. Afterward I was approached about the job at Ft Detrick and it was made known to me that I had no choice. I’d no idea I was being trained for such a position.


Q: With your specialized knowledge base of medical science, and your experiences in government projects, have you learned of any information regarding a conspiracy to target the pineal gland? If so, what are the tactics being used to hinder the pineal gland? and do you know of any counter-measure that can reverse the process?

A- Yes the pineal gland is a target. The most widespread, common methods today for disabling the pineal gland is though countless chemical additives in food, water, low grade supplements and the air itself. Truly there isn’t much in the way of tactics anymore, just the continuation of production and dispersal of common place chemicals. Exposure does the rest.

The best methods for protecting the pineal gland, from a medical view, are the avoidance of contaminated food, water and supplement supplies. Combine that with using it on a regular basis through direct focus and meditation can work wonders. The easiest pineal gland to shutdown is the one least used. Glands that have been calcified take a long time to heal. Lots of patience and daily work. There are herbs in conjunction with acupuncture that can greatly assist, however they need to be catered to the individual. I couldn’t list a generic combination here because there isn’t any.

Q: From what you know about programming, is there really such a thing as an “internal programmer”? a mechanism within the mind that monitors everything the slave does and sabotages the slave’s attempts at self-healing. If so, is this common through out the general civilian population, or only for specifically programmed individuals?

A- For people who’ve been elite programmed, there’s a mental function within their brain that works to hold energy separations between programmed compartments and alters. This region’s very sensitive to anything intruding upon the compartments themselves from the exterior beyond the select triggers assigned to them. I suppose you could term that function an “internal programmer”, but I don’t feel it’s a very accurate term. In general programs I’m unaware of such a downloaded function.

Q: In White Wolf’s book Shadow Scorpion, it was mentioned that you used acupuncture to heal the trainees, but is also mentioned that “black acupuncture” was used. I’m aware of traditional chinese acupuncture but what exactly is black acupuncture? is this some kind of covert form of acupuncture?

Can acupuncture be used to break through programming blockages?

A- Black acupuncture, also termed “covert”, “shadow”, or “negative” acupuncture is acupuncture theory used for the opposite affects of traditional acupuncture. It’s used to disrupt, hinder and negatively manipulate the meridian system in the human body. The practice is quite old and has rooting in the ancient martial style called Dimak, a style the trainees were trained in both physically and through genetic mods. This process began on White Wolf after they took him out of the suffocation blocks. (coffin sized acrylic boxes where the air flow is controlled and slowed until the person inside suffocates into unconsciousness only to be revived by pumping oxygen back into the block)

I’ve seen acupuncture successfully administered to trainees to break old program routines in order to create new ones. I’ve never seen it work on a whole though, just for small and specific program sections. It can be used on certain individuals to “break through” certain levels of program, but I doubt it’d work on everyone equally.

Q: Kira, did you ever witness WW shape-shift? And if you did, what did it feel like to you, what did it appear like?

A- Once, yes. It was in a ritual and I never wish to see something like that again, ever. I was behind a two-way mirror monitoring when I saw his shift. My skin crawls just thinking about it! If I never witnessed it I’d never believe the human body could do such things and survive. I could hear bones cracking and joints popping through the growls and inhuman noises of seeming agony. What remained after the shift was something I’ll never forget. I can’t think about it anymore. I’m sorry.


To everyone here, I’ve been contacted by the only person whose been helping me stay as safe as I can over the years. The first two people disappeared some 12 years ago one night when they were to meet me and help me out of a country. I never found out what happened to them. They assist me getting from one place to another and inform me when where I’m at gets too dangerous. It seems to be that time again. Even though they’re very knowledgeable and have the required skills, there’s a price. People like this are connected in dark places, which in-part is where the dangers can arise from. I’ll be leaving very soon and have no idea where I’ll end up, but I must go. If I can ever manage to return here to White Wolf’s website, I will. Truly I’m surprised I’ve been able to remain as long as I have. Blessings to you all. You’ve all touched my heart.


Q: What went on in rituals and what purpose did they serve?

A- This is my last communication here, for now. My access out is within the next 32 hours and all electronic communications stop tonight.

White Wolf detailed a ritual fairly well in his posts called Memory of Glass and in his book Shadow Scorpion. There were many variations though. The one in his book took place in the north facility’s underground chamber, but the Memory of Glass was a cult ritual that took place separate of the facility that “Lilith” was involved with.

The rituals that took place in the facility numbered at six different ones. Not all trainees were subject to the rituals. Only a few hand selected trainees were chosen for ritual use. Mostly it depended upon genetics and if they’d been part of ritual cults outside the facility. “Lilith” had White Wolf dragged into rituals through the cult she was part of because of his shifting abilities. Since she was also employed at the facility she also had him selected for government occult rituals.

Once his blood type was changed through stem cell therapy, he was fair game for rituals. Type O was prized for one aspect of ritual use, the aggressor. His new blood type combined with his shifting abilities made him a real prize in their eyes. He became sort of like a prize fighting dog in dog fighting pits. He was reserved for only higher level rituals of specific types. They wouldn’t use him for just any old ritual.

Where other selected trainees were typically used in “directing” rituals, rituals that were geared towards directing energies, White Wolf was reserved for energy “creation” rituals. The “creation” rituals did just that, they created high intensity and power energies through various ritual acts. Typically only very high power/energy people of very specific genetics could be used in those rituals. White Wolf’s manipulated genetics made for a highly sought mixture and power source.

Rituals simply generated or directed energy. Depending upon who was participating and what actions were done, what surrounding elements were involved and time of day/night and year determined what energy results would develop. The idea is simple enough. For every action there is a reaction. Ritual follows that foundational principle. The details are what can be seemingly endless.

To my knowledge the training facility only used six types.

• Creation for projects

• Creation for alignments

• Creation for manifestation

• Directing for projects

• Directing for alignments

• Directing for manifestation

Sexual acts of every kind imaginable can be used in rituals, as well as torture and sacrifice. White Wolf was reserved for high powered creation rituals involving one male- him, and young aged females that would either build and draw energy from him or be his sacrifice. He was always drugged in ritual and only with rare moments could his conscious mind compute the events. I was used only in ritual with him and was drugged myself. I was only aware of six rituals he was involved in at the facility and of those five I was used twice. The drugs administered for me were not the same kind given to him. I was quite unfortunately aware of almost everything. It was my fear and pain they wanted to enhance and draw energy from, so they needed me fairly conscious. As far as I know, White Wolf has no recollection of those two rituals. In one of them I believe I was more afraid than I’ve ever been in my whole life and couldn’t imagine being that afraid again. What I saw and experienced are things I can’t speak of.

The one misleading piece of disinformation circulating the Internet is the idea and belief that a person will only do under the influence of drugs, hypnosis and other covert control measures, that which is in the persons mind patterns. For example, a person cannot be made to kill under drug influences and hypnotic states unless it was already in that persons natural, constitutional make-up. This is a completely false belief and holds no ounce of truth. I’ve seen first-hand how a person can be made to do something they would never have done prior to the manipulation. I’ve studied the works of Dr. Watkins and read the studies of hundreds of his patients. Many were found to be the most gentle and caring people. Through his covert and rash hypnosis practices he could turn them into mass murderers. There are cases studies of people who “wouldn’t hurt a fly and have behavioral patterns of the gentlest souls on earth”, who ended up killing in cold blood their own friends after Dr. Watkins ran his practices on them. This was in the last 40’s. At the training facility I was those practices greatly enhanced at work and I can say that with the proper levels of torture, hypnotic practices and drugs, they can change anyone into anything.

I hope I’ve answered all of your questions well enough. I offered what I could as best as I could. Perhaps once I’m settled again I’ll be able to return here. Love to you all.

Alters and Triggering, transcript from earlier podcast:Part 1- 2-

Element Mountain Web site:

Small Circles of 5 Animals Jujitsu

More about White Wolf

Shadow Scorpion book link

(that is the newest edition of 2015)

Other e-books by White Wolf:

Video links:

Philosophy of Happiness:

Survival Combat:

Knife Solo:

Knife Throwing:

Chaga Hunting:

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