Trump Signs Amnesty Budget Bill for Millions Of Illegals Encourages Millions More to Flood Into the US & Caught Bald Faced Lying About Caravans He Let In (Rothschild Zionist Policy)

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Trump Signs Amnesty Budget Bill For Millions Of Illegals
Encourages Millions More To Flood Into The US And Is 
Caught Bald-Faced Lying About Caravans That He Let In
By Willian Gheen ALIPAC
President Trump lied to the nation today by  falsely claiming his administration stopped multiple illegal alien caravans,  when in truth, he let them into the USA. Speaking for 40 minutes, he never mentioning he just signed the dastardly and secretive budget bill which incentivizes illegal immigration and child trafficking. 

Trump just signed into a law a bill that 99% of Americans know nothing about which contains Amnesty for millions of illegals, incentives for child trafficking, an expansion of Trump’s deadly catch and release policies, less detention space for illegals, reductions of interior immigration law enforcement, new buildings and buses to bring more illegals into the US, raising of legal immigration levels, a measly 1.3 billion for border fences, and severe restrictions on where border barriers can be built. 

The vast majority of Trump’s voters oppose the measures the immigration policies he just secretively signed into law. 

Trump  lied without challenge from the media when he claimed they were stopping caravan illegals from entering  America , when in truth Trump is letting the caravans in, which inspires more larger caravans to form. ( View documentation 1 ) .. ( View Documentation 2 )  

No member of the White House press corps bothered to ask Trump about the budget bill or even if he had signed it. 

Trump wore a Democrat blue tie and paraded Angel Families who have lost loved ones to illegal immigration crimes after signing a bill that will increase both illegal immigration and the number of Americans killed by illegals. 

Trump obfuscated and talked about trade agreements, law enforcement, the border, and his plan to declare a state of emergency for  more than 40 minutes (View Video ), but never admitted to the national audience that he signed the budget bill that a majority of his supporters despise. 

“I know without a doubt that President Trump is a liar, he is deceptive, and intentionally manipulating his supporters to lead them to their own doom through Amnesty for millions of illegal aliens. Trump is a Judas Goat!” said  William Gheen , President of ALIPAC. “It is clear to me that Trump is not the man he campaigns to be and he is complicit in passing a major policy bill in a disgusting way that prevented 99% of Americans from learning what is in the bill until after he made it a law, just like Obamacare. In truth, Trump shares Obama’s tactics and immigration positions. The American patriots who see through Trump’s lies and those who are upset by his signature on the Amnesty budget bill today are the Americans we want to represent and give voice to at ALIPAC.” 

ALIPAC is launching a new effort to reach out to Angel Moms and provide them with information proving that Trump lies and is using the families of victims of illegal aliens to promote a globalist and open-borders agenda while pretending to be a nationalist. 

Trump successfully used the Angel Families to convey that he has their support on his actions today, which includes the budget bill filled with Amnesty and benefits for the very illegal aliens that slaughtered their loved ones. 

Perhaps Trump’s past experience as an actor in professional wrestling matches prepared him for the grand deception he is pulling on tens of millions of American who deeply oppose illegal immigration and Amnesty. 

It is truly ironic that Americans elected Trump because he claimed he opposed open borders and Amnesty for illegal aliens. Trump lied when he promised all illegals including DACA Amnesty recipients had to go home. 

ALIPAC is now tracking  11 broken campaign promises by Trump on immigration issues. (View List 

Many Trump voters are deeply upset by President Trump’s conduct in this matter, and those are the Americans ALIPAC seeks to represent. 

For more information, please visit

His Public Posture From Actor (He Admitted It in Divorce Court) Alex Jones:


“He walks away at the end of the day with $8 billion and, of course, the Democrats and some Republicans are upset about that.”

The Daily Caller – FEBRUARY 15, 2019 

Trump Frees Up $8 Billion To Build The Wall

President Donald Trump has freed up $8 billion from various government agencies to build the wall, according to Fox News’ Brian Kilmeade.

Trump announced earlier on Thursday that he plans on signing a bipartisan congressional billthat provides limited border wall funding and declaring a national emergency at the southern border.


“Of course today was dominated by many stories, one of which was the bipartisan budget bill for border security. And the big number is—that the president was not happy with—was $1.375 billion to build a border barrier. He could do whatever he wanted with it,” Kilmeade began. “The question was, ‘Would the president add something with that? Would he declare a national emergency?’ I just got off the phone with Mick Mulvaney, chief of staff, and the answer is a resounding ‘Yes.’ Now for the first time, you will hear how much it is and where the money is coming from.”

“It’s going to be about $8 billion. He had the $1.3 [billion], then $600 million will come from the Treasury, the Treasury forfeiture front. $2.5 billion out of [Department of Defense]. They consulted with Mick Mulvaney and the White House over the last few months on what they could actually do and they are going to use some money they feel they can spare on the drug interdiction account,” he continued. “Then they came across with $3.5 billion for the military, the military construction budget.”

Alex Jones breaks the news with Matt Bracken: Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell claims President Trump is set to sign a bill that will prevent a government shutdown while simultaneously declaring a national emergency to address the much-needed border wall.

Kilmeade added, “They feel they can help in that respect. And then, of course, they have additional money. It all adds up to $8 billion. So the $1.375 [billion] not enough for the president. He wanted $5.7 [billion]. He walks away at the end of the day with $8 billion and, of course, the Democrats and some Republicans are upset about that.”

The president’s decision to declare a national emergency for the wall was not unexpected. During the speech Trump gave late last month, where he announced he was going to end the government shutdown, he also explained that he would go down this route if Congress could not come up with a deal within a three-week period, which would have expired Friday.

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