TOP EU Court Rules Vaccines Liable For Injury & Death!

Jeffrey Jckson

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6-27-17On Wednesday, the EU’s top court said that a vaccine could be considered defective if there is “specific and consistent evidence,” including the time between a vaccine’s administration and the occurrence of a disease, the individual’s previous state of health, the lack of any family history of the disease and a significant number of reported cases of the disease occurring following vaccination.

​Each chosen point listed by the court for its consideration spells bad news for the European vaccine industry. Ample evidence can be regularly found regarding a vaccination being the culprit for an individual’s slide into one of many specific ill-health conditions listed on the vaccine’s patient information leaflet. The EU court case was carryed over from a French case of a man who was immunized against hepatitis B in late 1998-99. About a year later Mr. J.W., as he is referred to in the documents, was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. In 2006, he and his family sued vaccine-maker Sanofi Pasteur in an attempt to be compensated for the damage they claim he suffered due to the vaccine. Mr. J.W. died in 2011.

Over the recent years the corporate media has pointed to disease outbreak clusters as proof that herd immunity must be achieved by any means necessary. However, most of those same news outlets, primarily funded by Big Pharma ad revenue, fail to report that the outbreaks often happen in heavily vaccinated communities and areas due to live virus and virus vectord vaccine shedding. It will be interesting to see if the increased vaccine tracking being pushed and legislated will be used during lawsuits to report and provide evidence of the significant number of reported cases of diseases following vaccination.

​In a statement, the EU court said that such factors could lead a national court to conclude that “the administering of the vaccine is the most plausible explanation” for the disease and that “the vaccine therefore does not offer the safety that one is entitled to expect.” Sanofi Pasteur said in a statement that its vaccines are “safe and effective.”

The EU court’s ruling comes at a time when the heavily corrupt Italian government and its Ministry of Health has passed one of the world’s most authoritarian vaccine mandates. Embroiled in deep pharmaceutical company conflict of interest, Italy was chosen by GlaxoSmithKline and the World Health Organization to be the EU’s model state and frontrunner for Big Pharma’s vaccine push. Regular, mass protests are now commonplace in the streets of Italy as the country’s population pushes back against Big Pharma’s invasion.


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