Psychopath Child Murderers…Piers Morgans Best Work is in These Interviews

Psychopaths NEVER Take responsibility for their selves And ALWAYS Blame everyone else.  There are people just as diabolical and manipulative in Hollywood involved in murders who are household names who have gotten away with their murders.  No investigation.  No trials.  The psychopaths running our gov’t are no different than these kids.  These kids conspired with their friends to commit murders.  Conspiracies are real.  The same goes on in Hollywood and D.C.  The CIA is often involved as is Military Intelligence.

This full term baby boy was aborted (MURDERED) by Gosnell who murdered many babies in his abortion clinic.

The CIA Creates school shooters in Project Orion as stated by Naval Intelligence Veteran Bill Cooper in his book BEHOLD A PALE HORSE.  This is a MKULTRA Project.  MKULTRA is an acronym for Manufactured Killer Utilizing Lethal Tradecraft Required in Assassination.   The U.S. now has more mass shootings than any other country in the world.

In his book “Behold a Pale Horse” published in 1991, radio talk show host Bill Cooper stated that the US Government was behind project Orion.  Certain FBI or CIA types were using hypnosis and drugs to get ordinary people to commit mass murder in 1999.  Columbine marked the real beginning of these shooting sprees by individuals who were seeing psychiatric professionals and taking psychotropic drugs.

Title details for Behold a Pale Horse by William Cooper - Available

Behold a Pale Horse



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