Michael Jackson was America’s Pied Piper.

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I was told by an insider that Michael Jackson was a gay pedophile who was programmed (by the CIA) to enjoy sex with children. Michael Jackson himself was a Monarch CIA victim described by Brice Taylor as being raped by grown men before his performances. His father was evil going along with this as this was the price of the Jackson’s fame. The entertainment industry is run by Satanic Gay ZIONISTS and truthfully they don’t like the rest of us. Mind Control has been financed by the Rothschilds and Rockefellers as well as the British Royals via the Tavistock Institute. They are all Satanists. Since these criminals own the media don’t expect any exposure. To me Michael Jackson was like a porno star with his clothes on. I found all his masturbation on stage disgusting. Michael Jackson did not do anything on his own. He was mind controlled by the Elite Oligarchy for a Social Agenda as is Angie Jolie. These puppets are Very Tightly Controlled.

Actually Jews/ZIONISTS control the press and they hate whites. Michael Jackson spoke out about the Jews in They Don’t Really Care About US! He was manipulated and mind controlled by the Zionists from childhood, raped and abused in the CIA Monarch Mind Control, Drugged and Zombiefied to do their every Agenda.
Satanic funders of Mind Control.
Part of the Shadow Gov’t