Banksters Crimes & Fraud
by Admin ·
I am not at all a fan of Elon Musk; he has installed the nemesis to free speech, Linda Yaccarino, to run his “platform” called X, which stands for hermaphrodite; he has worn a red leather Baphomet outfit and a white jacket that says novus ordo seclorum, which translates to “new world order”… Tesla’s burst into flames when it floods [which is a pretty big “oversight” for one touted to be a “genius”]…he wants to put an implantable chip in your brain to download information/commands and connect you to “the hive/internet of all things”..he is pumping out babies like they are newts with little to no attachment to their mother [IMHO he’s a super spreader]…he stutters, he stammers, he leaps around on stage…and he is a idiot savant, utterly lacking in the one thing a person needs—common sense. He has an underlying belief that if he uncovers all the corruption in the financial system, YOU will willingly give up paper money and privacy for trackable bitchain currency. Then, those that were too big to fail in 2008 will be even bigger… and smack their hands in glee as they take the entire world down, fracturing it [like their souls] into a thousand pieces.
Those that were “too big to fail” in 2008 want to be even bigger, with more control, knowing your every transaction.
To hide this behavior, Reiner Fullemich has been attacked and imprisoned; he held The Grand Jury of Public Opinion, which exposed this scam in full, using many experts from around the world. The banking scam led to the pandemic scam; never forget that fact. Our MSM refuses to see the connection by Leslie Manookian was not fooled:
THIS is exactly why it was the elderly were targeted first with the covid jab, many forcibly held down in nursing homes and then taken out in a body bag a few days later with”covid death” marked in their chart, when it was really death by euthanization. After the video below on Karen Hudes, you will them doing just that. I don’t want to be morbid, but don’t think we honor those who died in this manner by pushing their lives under rug. Do you?
Fox News Expose, better late than never, I guess:
I want to give credit where credit is due and Karen Hudes in 2007 said the world bankers are money laundering, using the assets of the ELDERLY. She was lambasted by the world bankers and fired for exposing their PONZI SCHEME.
I research to find gold nuggets of truth our main stream media tries to hide from us. I collate newsworthy videos and articles. I share who, what, when, where, and why, as reporters of yesteryear used to do. I am beholden to no parties; I have no sponsors and am not asking you to buy anything. I take advance screenshots when I know the material is controversial to combat Google’s team of Orwellian news revisionists. I do my part to fight the NWO.
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