9/11 Call Erased By Elites (probably a CIA Monarch Slave)

Comment:  She was likely a CIA Monarch Slave Trying to Escape.  They really can’t escape as the Entire Military will go after them and put them back in the control of the Secret Society CIA who will keep them enslaved with Drugs, Hypnosis & Torture Programming.  Our Politicians use these slaves for Sex & the Rothschilds/Vatican use them for killing so don’t expect any elite to intervene on Slave’s behalf.  The people have to help them and they are used and abused by all Elite including ALL Billionaires.  This is all Censored by our controlled media mostly having been owned by the Murdochs, Rockefellers & Rothschilds and their corporations.  The Rockefellers & Rothschilds partnered with the Windsors creating the Tavistock Institute for Social Engineering and then Mind Control…Rockefeller then financed the MKULTRA assassin project with the CIA.  Since these criminals literally OWN our media don’t expect them to report on their own crimes.  They also are all SATANISTS and Mind Control is a Satanic Ritual Abuse program.  Mind Control is literally a child prostitution project where children are raped over and over and over again to fracture their minds through violent trauma and they are used to satisfy the pedophile lusts of our Satanic Politicians & Satanic Elites.

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