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Pogrom of Strasbourg by Emile Schweitzer
The Valentine’s Day Massacres of Strasbourg & Dresden
By Mike King
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Contrary to the propaganda portrayals of Germans as stern and unfeeling “supremacists,” the Germanic peoples, and Nordics in general, have historically been known to be hospitable, friendly, cultured and civil — almost to a fault. Even the moronic myth of “German militarism” quickly melts away when we consider that the variousPrussian / German peoples — be they pre-Romanized pagan or converted Christian — were perpetually surrounded and attacked by aggressive conquerors (Romans, Mongols, Moors, Huns, Turks, French,Poles, Russians etc.). “German militarism” was always about self-defense. Germans simply don’t do genocide! .There was an occasion, however, when the gentle Germans — all Roman Catholic Christians at the time — seemed to have collectively lost their minds in a murderous rage that compelled them to round up Jews, burn their homes and even their persons, to death. Given their age-old reputation for hospitality — further enhanced by the dual Christian doctrines of “love thy neighbor” and “turn the other cheek” — a reasonable person, with judgement unclouded by years of tear-jerking Jewish persecution propaganda, has got to wonder, at least inprivate: “What the bloody hell did the usual suspects do to make the Germans act this way?” . Just sayin’.
The year was 1349. The Black Death plague was raging throughout Europe. Historical death estimates vary from 30%-50% of the European population wiped out! However, much like the biblical story of Passover — in which the great plague of Egypt “passed over” the secretly marked homes of the Jews — the Jews of Europe seemed to have been suspiciously spared (sort of like the London Fire of 1666 and sort of like 9-11 — just sayin’). In the minds of many “conspiracy theorists” ™ of the day, this strange “passover,” the observable Jewish animosity toward the “goyim,” and the confession-under-torture of a suspected Jew combined to point toward deliberate well-poisoning. . Editor’s Note: Jewish scholars explain away the strange Jewish survival rates of the Black Death (which they actually admit as being true!) as being due to ritual handwashing. (here) (here) — Evidently, 14th Century Germans didn’t think that was the reason. . Of the anti-Jewish “pogroms,” the deadliest and most historic was the one that occurred on February 14th, 1349 in the German town of Strasbourg (today, part of France). It went down in history as the Strasbourg / St. Valentine’s Day Massacre. It is said that the entire Jewish community of two thousand Jews were publicly burnt to death. Though it is quite possible that the extent of the killing has been exaggerated by the usual suspects for the usual reasons — the mass killing by fire, executed by righteously angry Germans, has never been disputed.. What’s delightfully ironic about the manipulated interpretation of this event by “modern historians” is that in denying one “antisemitic trope / canard” (well-poisoning) — they are compelled to truthfully invoke another lesser “antisemitic trope / canard” (the claim that the killings were motivated by Germans wanting to get out of debt to the Jews). .From Wiki: .“After getting rid of the Jews, the murderers distributed their properties among themselves, which suggests another motive for the murders. By killing the Jews, the debtors had the opportunity to restore themselves, which they used consistently. Many (who supported the Strasbourg pogrom) were in debt to the Jews. Apart from Strasbourg nobles and citizens, Bishop Berthold von Buchegg was also indebted to the Jews.” (emphasis added) .In other words, the Germans didn’t burn the “Rothschilds” of the day because the latter were genocidal well-poisoners. No sir. They only did it because they were usurious money-grubbing bloodsuckers, after all! OK. We’ll accept that— Ooops. . Thanks for that little truth gem, Wiki.
1. Across the centuries, “anti-Semitic” allegations of well-poisoning have surfaced repeatedly. // 2. “If you dirt goyim washed your hands more often, you wouldn’t have these plagues.” // 3. Germans grieved over their colossal losses and took a fiery revenge against those whom they believed (with good reason) had poisoned their water supply.
In more recent times: June 23, 2016 —
“Echoing anti-Semitic claims that led to the mass killings of European Jews in medieval times, President Mahmoud Abbas of the Palestinian Authority accused rabbis in Israel of calling on their government to poison the water used by Palestinians. He made the unsubstantiated allegation during a speech to the European Parliament on Thursday. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel said in a statement later that Mr. Abbas had spread a “blood libel” in the speech. . “Just a week ago, a group of rabbis in Israel announced, in a clear announcement, demanding their government to poison, to poison, the water of the Palestinians,” Abbas said. “Is this not clear incitement, to the mass murder of the Palestinian people?”
Let us fastforward the Time Machine to revisit another historic inferno. There is no need to change the month and day — only the year, to 1945 — the 596th anniversary of the burning at Strasbourg. More precisely, the late February eve of Valentine’s Day, February 13th and continuing through the early morning hours of February 14th and long into the day itself. . Though Germany’s final capitulation will not be for another 11 weeks, World War II is essentially over. The murderous firebombing of the beautiful and undefended city of Dresden is therefore as cruel as it is strategically unnecessary. In four raids coming over roughly a 30-hour span, 772 heavy bombers of the British Royal Air Force and 527 of the US Army Air Forces (USAAF) drop thousands of tons of high-explosive bombs and incendiary devices on the exceptionally beautiful city sometimes referred to as “Florence on the Elbe River.” . The fires merge into one huge firestorm, sucking oxygen to feed itself as countless numbers of defenseless German elderly, women, and children are suffocated or burned to death. The fire is so massive that the cockpits of the bomber planes are actually illuminated. Like mice stuck in inhumane glue-traps, screaming victims are stuck in the hot melting street asphalt. The force of the tornado-like fire pulls others up into its vortex. Pilots witnessed flaming Germans flying through the air! Other terrorized victims jump into the frigid Elbe River to escape the oven-like heat which had overtaken the city’s center. After the firebombing, British and American fighter planes flew in low and machine gunned survivors. . Because so many terrified refugees — fleeing westward to escape the rapidly advancing Soviet NKVD monsters and hordes of Red Army rapists — had swelled Dresden’s population, it is difficult to say how many were killed by the Jewish-engineered “Holocaust” approved by puppet goyim Churchill and FDR. Conservative estimates vary between 200-300,000 dead, and possibly as many 500,000! Imagine cramming 4-8 football stadiums with majority women, children and elderly; saturating the structures with gasoline, and then lighting everything and everyone on fire. In essence, that was the Dresden firestorm — timed for the exact anniversary date of the Strasbourg firestorm. . Adding further mockery to genocide — a “twofer,” so to speak — St. Valentine’s Day fell on that year’s Catholic observance of “Ash Wednesday” — a sick poetic twist to literally turn Catholic Dresden into ashes on a day when its churchgoing residents would have received ashes on their foreheads. Coincidences? Hell no (no pun intended). These people “never forget.” . Editor’s Note: Modern Fake Historians — after having long accepted the official “lowball” 200,000 dead number of the post-war West German government — have, in just recent times — downgraded the Dresden fatalities to a ridiculously low figure of 25,000.
DRESDEN HOLOCAUST WAS PAYBACK FOR THE INCIDENT AT STRASBOURG! Victims not consumed by flames or suffocated in shelters were slow roasted alive by the hot air itself. *
In service to their NWO Cabal Masters, warmongers FDR & Churchill deliberately exterminated as many German civilians as possible. Churchill had also advocated for “drenching German cities with mustard gas” — but even his own generals pushed back against that genocidal scheme.
Discover many more buried truths such as this in Mike King’s classic: THE BAD WAR