“The risk of Gain Of Function research is worth the risk of a pandemic.”
*Dr. Anthony Fauci- Former Director of the National Institute of Health
“The COVID-19 vaccines are causing the variant strains. This program was ill-conceived, unnecessary, and is killing people!”
*Dr. Luc Montagnier- World-renowned Nobel Prize-winning virologist who discovered the AIDS Virus
In 2022, a long-time immunologist and a former employee at the National Institute of Health (NIH) J. Bart Classen, PhD, wrote a bombshell peer-reviewed paper about the origin of the COVID-19 virus and the poisonous COVID-19 vaccine forced on the American Public, that was mostly ignored by the media, our government and the mainstream media.
In his paper, Dr. Classen made the shocking claim that the Israelis had placed Mossad connected Jewish scientists in the NIH over 30years ago, led by Israeli National Zavi-Ben Sasson. Classen worked across the hall from Ben Sasson when he found that he was working for the Israeli Mossad and was using the NIH facilities to develop bio-weapons, and training US scientists to become bioweapons experts for the Mossad.
While Dr. Fauci is now rightly seen by many as a criminal for conducting gain-of-function research that led to the outbreak, Dr. Classen doesn’t believe based on his observations that Dr. Fauci acted alone. Classen says Ben-Sasson had free reign of the entire NIH building, which was very unusual, and said Sasson’s roommate at the time worked at the Israeli Embassy.
Dr. Classen began working at the NIH/NAIAD in 1988 shortly after Fauci was named director. He witnessed firsthand the infiltration by the Israeli Mossad. He wrote that he believed the Israelis were behind an agenda to depopulate the planet with this genocidal bioweapons attack, and intended to kill billions of people. Was this another Israeli false flag?
Like the Anthrax letters in 2001, shortly after the attacks on 911, which the controlled media quickly blamed on Muslims, the so-called China virus was blamed on an open-air market in Wuhan China, and is now thought to have been an accidental leak from a Chinese bio lab. But was it?
In 2008, the FBI determined that the Anthrax came from the infamous bio lab at Ft Detrick and implicated a Zionist named Bruce Ivins who shortly after committed suicide. [Editor’s note: A reliable source has informed me that Bruce Ivins was not a culprit. The most likely source for the Fort Detrick lab use was Dr. Phlip M. Zack, assisted by Barbara Hatch Rosenberg.] The lead investigator for the FBI, Richard Lambert, claimed that his superiors at the agency hindered his investigation and ended it prematurely.
Lambert filed a Qui Tam suit under the False Claim Act against Obama’s corrupt Attorney General Eric Holder, & longtime deep state fixer, FBI Director Robert Mueller III for shutting it down. Were they covering for the Mossad?
During the Fauci years, the NIH had close relationships with numerous Mossad-linked scientists and Jewish billionaires like, Pfizer investor Bill Gates, the eugenics obsessed Jewish Mossad agent and pedophile, Jeffrey Epstein, who was involved for decades with Gates, as well as former New York Mayor, Jewish billionaire Michael Bloomberg, another Epstein associate. See this:
While working at the NIH, Fauci also served on the boards of several of the Gates’ companies, and the World Health Organization’s “Global Preparedness Monitoring Board.”
Dr. Fauci controlled the NIH & was on medical boards for numerous Gates-controlled companies like the Global Action Vaccine Plan, his GAVI vaccine initiative, his “ID2020” that promotes digital IDs, a cashless society, and AI biometric ID. Gates endorses, and is pushing every anti-American, New world Order directive coming from the Jewish head of the World Economic Forum (WEF), Klaus Schwab.
Gates is also pushing fake meat, and whistleblowers contend he is behind the chemtrail program that is spraying neurotoxic heavy metals on the population that are causing a myriad of serious health issues including respiratory problems, Autism, cognition issues, and ADHD in children. Gates also controls the criminals at the WHO and the CDC.
The Gateway Pundit reported that documents from the Securities and Exchange Commission in 2011 show Jewish billionaire George Soros’s Fund Management LLC invested heavily into WUXI Pharmatech Caymen, Inc. in Wuhan China. Soros also owns Gilead Biosciences who is behind the drug Remdesivir. Soros and Gates are also investors in Glaxo which owns Pfizer.
Dr. Classen revealed that In October of 2017, the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health published a manuscript related to a hypothetical coronavirus pandemic, SPARS-CoV [29]. The manuscript describes a hastily created vaccine that was ready in less than 10 months from the outbreak. The manuscript goes into detail on methods used to promote the poorly tested vaccine. The vaccine was later found to have neurological side effects, resembling prion disease, and lawsuits arose.
In October 2019 The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, in partnership with the World Economic Forum, and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, hosted Event 201, a high-level simulation exercise for a pandemic. Did you know Dr. Fauci said in 2017 that Trump would have a pandemic to deal with during his presidency? How did these men know a pandemic was coming? See this:
Michael Bloomberg’s School For Public Health is housed at Johns Hopkins and is linked to the WHO’s Infertility Project which has been accused of being a bioweapon’s operation and sterilizing women in third-world countries.
Since the COVID-19 vaccine’s approval on December 11 2020 and its release to the public, the NIH, CDC, and government officials knew there were serious problems with their new vaccine. Dr. Classen was concerned with the safety of the vaccine from the very beginning. Dr. Joseph Moshe, a Mossad whistleblower warned in 2009 that Israel was planning to use vaccines to carry bioweapons.
Dr. Classen wrote that the trials for the 3 vaccines released by the FDA under “Emergency Use Authorization”, caused more severe diseases than they prevented, which proves the decision to go ahead and release the vaccines had nothing to do with preventing COVID-19 or saving lives.
Pfizer’s research and trials found their vaccines were dangerous, even deadly, destroyed natural immunity and caused over 1200 different side effects. They went to court in an unsuccessful attempt to persuade a judge to keep the public from seeing the documents for 75 years.
Less than 90 days from the release date the VAERS report had already listed over 1738 deaths and over 38,000 injuries. Since a Harvard study found that less than 1% of vaccine injuries and deaths are reported, the real numbers are staggering.
CBS confirmed that 80% of those vaccinated had suffered negative side effects. Many were becoming sick with COVID-19, and others were afflicted with neurological problems, seizures, Guillain Barre Syndrome, blood clots, heart attacks, strokes, anaphylactic shock, and death.
A whistleblower from Medicaid and Medicare Services reported four months before Biden mandated the vaccines that the government agencies were intentionally undercounting vaccine injuries and deaths. Shockingly she said that there have been over 45,000 deaths of people who died within 3 days of getting the Jab. She said the death toll was much higher than the CDC was reporting.
Two years ago Insurance companies reported that non-COVID deaths among 18 to 64 year old’s were up 40%, likely because government data showed the COVID vaccines have been found to be 8 times deadlier than the virus itself.
The complicit media and the medical community covered up the link between the vaccines and the resulting injuries and death and were still touting the jabs as safe and effective. Why? The last time the government mandated a vaccine for adults it was immediately stopped after a handful of deaths.
Dr. Fauci and the NIH, the CDC, the FDA, Pfizer, Moderna, everyone knew these vaccines were injuring and killing people. This was six months before Biden mandated the vaccines and forced that poison on 100 million Americans. Everyone involved is a criminal with blood on their hands.
In 2009 a Jewish American Microbiologist named Joseph Moshe said the Mossad was planning on using vaccines as carriers for bioweapons. Mossad’s plan, according to Moshe, was to disguise bioweapons as beneficial vaccines and have targets lining up and begging to be given a bioweapon.
Not long after, Moshe called into True Ott’s LA talk show to warn people that Baxter International’s Ukraine lab was producing a bioweapon disguised as a Flu vaccine. He was quickly located, and after a car chase was tased and cuffed by the LA SWAT Team in association with the FBI. No one has heard from Moshe since.
Dr. Rita Laibow, an American-born physician living in Europe was interviewed in 2009 on Jesse Ventura’s TV show, “Conspiracy Theory.” She told Ventura that the WHO, was concerned about population control and was working on a vaccine that would be compulsory and would be a tool of depopulation and sterilization. She told Ventura that she had the documents to back up her claim and said the FDA was in on the plan. See that interview here:
What is the status of the dozens of taxpayer funded biolabs the Biden Administration was operating in Ukraine, admitted to by Jewish Undersecretary Victoria Nuland, who led the initial 2014 bloody coup in Ukraine for Barack Obama. Nuland’s Husband, Robert Kagan, co-wrote the plan to invade 7 countries in the Middle East for Israel’s Bibi Netanyahu in 1996. More on that later.
In 1998 the London Sunday Times reported that Israel was reportedly developing a biological, race-specific weapon that would harm Arabs while leaving Jews unaffected.
That’s important because as Dr. Classen explains, “A paper looking at racial variants of ACE-2 with affinity for the spike protein stated “ACE2- K26R; which is most frequent in the Ashkenazi Jewish population, decreased the SARS-CoV-2/ACE2 electrostatic attraction”.
According to the results in this paper, the coronavirus causing COVID-19 resembles a race-specific bioweapon that spares the Ashkenazi Jewish population but preferentially binds to that race Mossad blames for the 1940s Jewish Holocaust, White Europeans and Americans.
In 2009 investigative journalist Jane Burgermeister filed a criminal complaint with the FBI against the World Health Organization (WHO) The United Nations (UN), the United States Government, the FDA, and Baxter Pharmaceutical Company.
Her complaint accuses these defendants and their representatives of committing several felonies in connection with bio-terrorism with attempted genocide, mass murder, coercion of constitutional bodies, and treason. The following is from Burgermeister’s article, “Evidence of the Use Of Pandemic Flu To Depopulate The United States”:
“There is evidence that an international corporate criminal syndicate, which has annexed high government office at the Federal and state level is intent on carrying out mass genocide against the American people by using an artificial (genetic) flu pandemic virus and forced vaccine program to cause mass death and injury to depopulate the United States to transfer control of the United States to the United Nations and their affiliated security (UN troops) that will be made up of troops from China, Mexico, Canada, and England.”
A year before Dr. Classen’s paper, I wrote in my article, “COVID-19 Vaccine Agenda: Mass Immunization or Mass Genocide” that the COVID-19 pandemic psyop and vaccine operation was a long-planned sterilization and depopulation agenda. The lockdowns and masks were healthcare theater to spread fear leading up to the release of the vaccine.
Dr. Classen’s view is that “We live in a very dangerous world and Mossad will not stop its satanic and murderous ways until we, the human race, stop them”.
Dr. Classen wrote that in May of 2019, intelligence agencies around the world had been warned that a major Mossad bioweapon’s attack was underway. What was done, and just who are our intelligence agencies really working for?
Catherine Austin Fitts is a former Cabinet member in the George H W Bush Administration, and at one time a global insider, turned whistleblower. Fitts calls this pandemic “The Great Poisoning” and believes it is an intentionally planned genocide brought on by the global elite.
Less than a week ago Frank Bergman, in an article for Slay News wrote, “A leading scientist from China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology has spoken out to blow the whistle by claiming that the U.S. taxpayer-funded Chinese lab “engineered” COVID-19 as a “bioweapon” to reduce the population of humans around the world.
It comes, as damning evidence has emerged revealing that the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) used taxpayer money to fund the development of COVID-19 as a bioweapon in the same Wuhan laboratory.”
Why is this poisonous vaccine still being mandated in the US? Why are American Universities still mandating this vaccine? Why, just this week, was a 12 year old relative of Vice President J. D. Vance by marriage, refused a life saving heart transplant for refusing this vaccine due to religious beliefs as a Christian? How many Americans have been refused healthcare for refusing this poison? See this:
In the last fifty years, Israel has received $263 billion in US taxpayer aid, more than any other country on the planet, and much of our national debt has been squandered fighting wars for Israel.
Most Americans don’t know about the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty on June 8, 1967, by Israeli Jets and torpedo boats killing 34 and wounding 171 US Naval personnel, and covered up by LBJ, an ardent Zionist and the man who ordered the assassination of President Kennedy. See this:
The American public has been lied to about who attacked the US on 9-11-2001. Osama bin Laden was a CIA asset and was the “Patsy” thrown to the public while the controlled media steered the public away from the mountain of evidence that 911 was an Israeli false flag operation, used to kick start their planned regime change in seven countries starting with Iraq.
Dr. Alan Sabrosky, a Jew, was the Director of Studies at the Army War College in DC on 911, and he said he is 100% positive that Israel was behind the 911 attacks. He said a lot of people he’s talked to about it feel the same way.
The plan to invade Iraq and six other countries was written for Bibi Netanyahu by American Neo-Cons five years before 911. The focus was not US interests, but Israel’s. The authors of the plan titled “A Clean Break” almost all ended up in the George W Bush administration, and included Jeb Bush, Donald Rumsfeld, and Dick Cheney. See this:
*Solving 911: The Deception That Changed The World
By – Christopher Bollyn
Israel’s involvement in the JFK assassination is another important story covered up by the controlled and complicit media. Kennedy told David Ben Gurion, Israel’s first Prime Minister, that he would not allow Israel to have nuclear weapons, and insisted that US inspectors be allowed access to Israel’s nuclear facility at Dimona, which Ben Gurion was refusing. See this:
*CIA, Angleton, Mossad, and The The Kennedy Assassination
Studies by Jewish scientists years ago proved that the only real Semites in the Middle East are the Palestinians. Trump’s new Ambassador to Israel, Mike Huckabee, ignorantly stated there is no such thing as Palestine, David Ben Gurion acknowledged that the Palestinians are the rightful owners of the land known as Israel. See this:
911 was the new Pearl Harbor type event with the goal of redrawing the map of the Middle East to further Israel’s territorial aspirations. This agenda called “The Greater Israel Project” was the brainchild of Jewish Zionist Theodore Hertzl over a hundred years ago to steal the land between the Nile River in Egypt and the Euphrates River in Iraq, that they insanely believe was promised to them by God. See this:
Israel had stolen the Golan Heights in Syria and is in the process of stealing much more land in Syria as I write this. They are in the process of stealing Gaza and the West Bank with the help of our president and are cheered on by American Christian supporters of Israel that Bibi Netanyahu called “Useful Idiots”!
Israel has violated the cease fire in Gaza while Israeli troops and settlers in the West Bank, with Trump’s encouragement, continue to murder Palestinians, steal their land, and bulldoze their homes. Israeli General Zvika Fogel confirmed in an interview in 2018 that IDF snipers are ordered to target Palestinian children, and doctors in Gaza see children brought in with head shots nearly every day. Why are American taxpayers burdened with bankrolling Israel’s brutal, modern day, Middle East manifest destiny? See this:
American Christians have been propagandized to support Israel from birth, and fooled into thinking that these imposters who have stolen and occupied this land through deceit, brutality and murder are somehow anointed by God.
Our controllers do the most damage to us when we are misinformed, distracted, and complacent. Our weak minded and compromised leaders, along with the complicit and controlled media, are following an evil agenda that has done grave damage to our country and brought us to where we are today.
Patrick J. McShay is a writer, researcher, and political analyst whose articles have appeared on over 200 news sites worldwide. Mr. McShay is a retired mortgage broker and uncredentialed historian specializing in real history and uncomfortable truths. He has appeared on the Power Of Prophecy Podcast with Jerry Barrett, the Chuck Baldwin Show, the Jeff Rense Show, the Raw Deal with Jim Fetzer, TNT Radio with Joe Olson, and the SGT Report. His articles have been translated into over a dozen languages including French, German, Spanish, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, Polish, Italian, Japanese, Russian, and Dutch.