These Are the People the Black Nobility (Satanists) Are Afraid Of

Reason for the January 6th Set Up (Psychological Operation).  I think it was done so people would not think about doing it in real life, they put everybody in prison! etc. All BS. If it was really going to be done it wouldn’t be like that, it would either be a bomb or taking them all prisoner and they would all be armed to do it, not protestors lol.  He is absolutely correct about the American people being abused by the shit laws of D.C.  b/c we have Shit Politicians Compromised by the CIA in videos having sex with minors.  The CIA works for the BRITISH Intelligence agencies and ultimately for the British Empire.  The nasty internet comments he receives come from Israel’s Trolls who are paid to be Nasty.  The Start of the Common Sense Revolutions is what the Black Nobility Criminals are all afraid of;  eventually they should all go to PRISON.

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