Conspiracy Classics
Uncloaking the Entity
The Crown Temple Bank of England.
There is an entity behind all the evil in the world. It is a corporate entity: The Crown Temple Bank of England. It is a slaver, usurer, and practitioner of mind control. This entity has agents everywhere. Fedboys. CIA. FBI. M-I6. Mossad. Hamas. ISIS. The entity’s agents are in Hollywood and throughout popular culture. These priests operate on the black (invisible) squares of the chessboard. They do stuff like push drugs and traffic children. They grow poppies in Afghanistan, and ship opium to China for fentanyl processing. And then they push it on American kids. They drop palates of human blood on the tarmac. They commit false flags where they make their mind slaves do things like shoot up schools and set themselves on fire to propagandize show trials. They are Templars who shoot their enemies in broad daylight on movie sets. They are ritually initiated servants of the Crown. They are a caste of warrior priests who are sworn to secrecy. They are warlocks.

Charlie Sheen: “We work for the pope, we murder people. We’re Vatican assassins. How complicated can it be? What they’re not ready for is guys like you and I and Nails and all the other gnarly gnarlingtons in my life, that we are high priests, Vatican assassin warlocks. Boom. Print that, people.” — Feb. 24, 2011 on “The Alex Jones Show.” Who the fuck is Nails? Nails is a controller. An agent of the entity. Both Alex Jones and Charlie Sheen are familiar with Nails. Who are the other Gnarly Gnarlingtons in Charlie Sheen’s life? They are his controllers. Government agents who make sure he fulfills the terms of his contract with the entity.
We all remember that the original name of the Grateful Dead was The Warlocks, right? And we recall their song US Blues: “I am Uncle Sam. Yes, I am. Hanging out in a rock and roll band.” Everyone remembers that Jerry and Bob attended two meetings at Bohemian Grove. We all understand that Jerry is known to have been a heroin addict, and that Bob was Jerry’s bagman, but we just can’t put together that Jerry’s addiction was contractual. Heroin addiction is how the entity keeps its musical talent under control. Jerry would’ve taken over the world with his guitar if he had kept playing the way he did in 1973. If it were not for the CIA and other Templar agents of the Crown, the talent would displace the propaganda machine that is popular culture. The entity cannot allow the talent to take over. What happens to talent that the entity loses control over? RIP Prince, Michael Jackson, the real Dave Chapelle, and the whole 27 Club (I’m not sure about the Dave Chappelle thing but it’s relevant to the topic). These performers such as Chris Cornell and Jerry Garcia, have contracts with the entity, and if they try to get off heroin, agents of the Crown entity will show up in their hotel rooms and make sure the terms of the contract are fulfilled.
Is The Entity the Pope Or The Crown?
Charlie Sheen said they work for the pope. The movie Elizabeth retells the story of how the Crown came under the control of the Papacy, but I’m not sure the story is true. To me, the Crown Temple Bank of England in the City of London Corporation is the head of the beast but perhaps the beast has ten heads. Maybe it has a head in Washington, D.C., one under Lake Geneva, and one at the Vatican. How many heads has the beast installed? The head of Canada. The head of the USA. The head of France. The heads of the other five-eyes and CIA vassal states such as North Korea. There is all kinds of paramilitary activity going on in South America and Africa and who do you think is doing that shit? Like the American drug trade, which is wholly conducted by CIA and FBI agents, the British war trade in South America and Africa has been going on for more than one hundred years. Did you ever read your Graham Greene? You should have! All the king’s men are indistinguishable from the mob. The mob is also ritually initiated and sworn to secrecy. All criminal gangs are.
When did the USA become a branch of the Crown Temple Bank of England?
In 1871. Since the first bankruptcy of the USA, all federal agents have been employed by the crown. Most of them don’t understand that. The entity has got a lot of talent. I’m not a hater of talent and I believe God works good through people despite their situation of contractual bondage. What if we could free all the talent from the controlling entity? That would be revolutionary. There is more than evil in the Grateful Dead. Much more. There are good American men and women throughout the federal agencies. Many of the talented people in federal employment are ready to flip. Some of them have quietly quit their jobs in the last few years.
I’ve said all this and I didn’t mention the Balfour Declaration or the history of British control of Palestine. I didn’t even scratch the surface of how the entity has manipulated Ukraine causing a color revolution in 2014 and is antagonizing Russia with its Ukrainian vassal state, while it murders the real Ukrainians to the last man. Whose idea was it to send money, armaments, and troops from America to Ukraine? What does the USA have in common with Ukraine? The USA is supporting the Ukrainian vassal state because the Crown Temple Bank of England owns both countries’ governments. The crown is martialling its resources in strategic action.
The entity doesn’t care about anything but stacking up gold in the bank. That’s why politics is the cheapest possible facade. Politics is a dumb trick to make voters think that participation in the religious ritual of voting can impact the policies of the Crown. It can’t. Politics is a soap opera we can’t stop watching. The priests have nothing but dumb tricks and a pantomime spirituality. There is a real spirituality and a redemptive human energy. When this good energy starts to radiate it will purge away the facade of the entity and cause a revolution. If you want to relate this revolution to the biblical theme of the veil in the temple being torn in two from top to bottom, that’s up to you. If you want to start wearing a red barret in public and shouting Huzzah! at the top of your lungs, you are free to do so.

The old velvet curtain is being torn apart.
Comment: Some very big names in Hollywood are actually Trained Assassins as told to me but I have not been given the okay to reveal who they are. I know of 2 Hollywood Stars who were MKULTRA trained and also others involved in murders that were covered up that they were never prosecuted for.
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