Stew Peters had one of his associates ask members of Congress if they care more about the American people or Israel. Almost every single person he asked either refused to answer the question or hemmed and hawed about it without providing a definitive answer.

Stew Peters
The Stew Peters Network went to Capitol Hill with one simple question for our elected representatives. Who do you care more about – the American people or Israel?


Andy Biggs was the only person in the video who definitively said that he cared more about the American people than Israel.

This is just more proof that Congress is bought and paid for by Jews and Israel. It shouldn’t be difficult for these people to simply answer that they care more about the American people than a foreign Zionist entity that is committing a genocide. The fact that this was a difficult thing for pretty much every person in this video says all you need to know about who owns Congress.

They care more about pocketing money from the Synagogue of Satan while all the American children are missing….800,000 a year.  Furthermore according to The Deceased Whistleblower Tory Smith they rape and murder children themselves.

Comment:  Think Kutcher’s support for victims is FAKE.