The Satanic Cabal has done Japan Dirty Over & Over Again (as Well as Germany Which will be Covered Separately))

Vatican: Jesuits Are “Spiritual Gatekeepers” Of The New World Order

Japan was the most powerful country in Asia until after WW2 when It was overcome by the United States.  Germany is and has always been the economic engine of Europe.  Here is typical Hollywood BLACK PROPAGANDA about Japanese:

While the bombing, murder, and raping of untold scores of innocent Chinese civilians in the 1930s by the Japanese military is utterly indefensible, the idea that the Japanese people themselves are barbaric, inhumane, cruel, and sneaky is a Hollywood-created propaganda fiction. Japanese people as a whole have very  high standards of personal morality, honor, honesty, and human compassion. Westerners don’t know this until they actually live in Japan and come to realize just how honest, decent, and compassionate the vast majority of Japanese people are. 

Japan was not targeted because she wanted to “conquer the world,” but because her military stood in the way of Communism, and her nationalism in the way of world government.  My comment:  The U.S. should’ve been ALLIES with Japan.  Are we spreading World Wide Communism via wars?  Yes I do think so!  Many of the Israel Firsters in the U.S. Gov’t are actual COMMUNISTS.

The Myth of German Villainy – WW2 – International Jewry vs Germany


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