The Next Four Years of America With Whitney Webb & Mark Goodwin-More Rothschild Bankster Manipulation of Economy & Dollar

When they say the Central Banks around the world were coordinated Say ROTHSCHILD CENTRAL BANKS and This Makes Trump a Rothschild Puppet as much as Hillary Clinton.  Trump shows us his Secret Society alliances via hand signals in Feature Picture.  All the Elites run their puppets via Secret Societies.  George Soros is the BAGMAN for the ROTHSCHILDS.  Goldman Sachs are ZIONISTS who screwed AZ pension funds out of their money so the retirees will not get the Pensions they were promised.  Typical of this Tribe.  With Trump a Bought Whore of the Zionists I very much doubt any real sound money banker will be in his Admin. I expect Scams & Ponzi schemes until the U.S. goes under.  Trump is a full fledged member of the Crime Syndicate:

The complicity doesn’t end there. It involves the world’s second biggest mining company and a close associate and funder of Donald Trump: Rio Tinto, whose biggest investors include the British royal family.  Justin Welby’s ties to Rio Tinto Mining and to more murder cropped up in September of 2022, when Tinto and its Canadian subsidiary, Star Diamond Mining, dealt with some “troublesome Indians” on the James Smith Cree reservation in eastern Saskatchewan.

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