by Kevin Annett

Raping a child and protecting those who do is as Christian as crucifixion. So no doubt the world is emitting a big yawn today as Justin Welby resigns as Archbishop of Canterbury after being caught covering for his sadistic child-torturing friend John Smyth. (Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby resigns over sex abuse scandal : NPR_)
After all, Anglican and Catholic clergy are required by their standing policy of Crimen Sollicitationas to do precisely what Welby did and protect child rapists in their church.
But there’s more than meets the eye when it comes to Archbishop Welby’s sudden departure from Lambeth Palace to greener pastures. And it implicates King Charles himself.
In its typical facile, dissimulating manner, the media has treated Welby’s protection of the brutal child-rapist John Smyth as a one-time, episodic event.In fact, Archbishop Welby is himself a notorious repeat offender who has blood on his hands. The malfeasance of this former oil company executive turned Anglican cleric goes way back.
During the first accredited excavation of children’s mass graves at the murderous Anglican Mohawk ‘residential school’ in Brantford, Ontario during 2011, Archbishop Welby ordered all the school records and gravesites destroyed. He then orchestrated the ‘fear and smear’ campaign against those including myself who conducted the excavation with local elder approval.
Even worse, Welby was also implicated in the murder of a key witness to church crimes and one of our elders, a Mohawk woman named Leona Moses, according to statements of former Anglican Bishop Bob Bennett. Welby also arranged the death of an independent researcher accessing the Brantford school records in London, according to Anglican church insiders. ( See Mass Graves of Children in Canada – Documented Evidence – Murder by Decree )
The rot goes even deeper. During the summer of 2014, Justin Welby was named as a co-conspirator in child trafficking and killing by a Brussels-based Citizen’s Tribunal and found guilty of crimes against humanity. Part of the evidence presented to the Tribunal concerned Welby’s participation in a Catholic-Anglican child sacrificial cult known as the Ninth Circle that operated extensively in the Canadian ‘Indian residential schools’ and implicates British, Dutch, and Belgian ‘royalty’. (
The complicity doesn’t end there. It involves the world’s second biggest mining company and a close associate and funder of Donald Trump: Rio Tinto, whose biggest investors include the British royal family. Justin Welby’s ties to Rio Tinto Mining and to more murder cropped up in September of 2022, when Tinto and its Canadian subsidiary, Star Diamond Mining, dealt with some “troublesome Indians” on the James Smith Cree reservation in eastern Saskatchewan.
After refusing to allow Rio Tinto to begin diamond mining on their land, ten members of the James Smith tribe were murdered in one night. The alleged killer was a drug addict and drifter who conveniently died in RCMP custody the next day. Six of the ten murdered people were relatives of Rio Tinto’s biggest opponent among the James Smith Cree natives, Chief Wally Burns.
In the words of a local RCMP officer in Melfort, Saskatchewan,
“Those killings weren’t the action of a coked-up transient with no apparent motive. It was a quick, professional job done by a trained killer with a stiletto knife.”

Murdered by the British Crown and Rio Tinto Mining: The James Smith Cree victims
Lo and behold, guess who showed up next at the James Smith reservation?
Armed with $46 million in payoff money for the surviving tribal chiefs, Archbishop Justin Welby flew in from London and convinced the chiefs to sign the deal with Rio Tinto’s affiliate Star Diamond Mining. But during the ensuing coverup of the murders, evidence surfaced that the kill order against the Cree had come from Welby’s boss, King Charles, who had just assumed the ‘crown’ after the death of Queen Elizabeth during the same week as the Cree murders. (King Charles ordered Cree murders to safeguard his investments: But new evidence derails cover up – Murder by Decree)
The British Crown has been a long-time chief investor with Rio Tinto. Elizabeth Windsor’s personal wealth increased fifty-fold thanks to her investments with Rio Tinto and other resource companies. And as the official churchly hatchet man for the crown, Archbishop Welby’s complicity in the James Smith massacre demonstrated once more the murderous tag-team operation of Church and State and Big Money.
Like his fellow child-killing felon Joseph Ratzinger, the former ‘Pope Benedict’, Justin Welby resigned over a ‘misdemeanor’ to take the spotlight off the bigger skeletons in his and other peoples’ closet. No doubt Welby will now withdraw to a lovely rural estate to write his flowery memoirs extolling his good works. That’s how guilty people act: especially Christians.
Nevertheless, a standing global arrest warrant hangs over Justin Welby from his July 2014 conviction by the International Common Law Court of Justice.
Who knows? Maybe one day people will take the law and children’s lives seriously and finally put a stop to all these monsters in church robes who always get away with their abominations.