America is a Racist Country From Top to Bottom

In America Minority US Citizens Do Not Get Adequate Support From Institutions – OpEd


In America it’s a very well known but dirty secret that minorities simply do not get the support that they require from their institutions designed to protect the citizenry.



This type of institutional racism and bias leads to only one route – that is, the disempowering of minorities in the USA whenever they are a victim of crime, unethical or immoral acts.

Because these regulatory institutions are staffed by people who are inherently biased and racist (even minorities) the end result is that when minority complainants file a grievance, claim, complaint, tip, or request for investigation, their cries for help generally go unheeded, ignored, and swept under the rug.

However, when the country’s majority races and religions employ America’s regulatory or law enforcement institutions, it literally seems like the sun comes out, all wheels stop, the criminal or unethical actor is placed on proverbial ice, and the “investigation” if not immediate arrest takes place.

This makes sense if one ponders to consider that in the United States, there were a series of United States Supreme Court cases (yes, the law of the land) which actually declared that regulatory and law enforcement agencies have no duty to prevent or take care of their fellow man, ie, complainants and victim of crime – rather, it is at the grace and whim of the regulator or law enforcement agent.

In the 1981 case Warren v. District of Columbia, the D.C. Court of Appeals held that police have a general “public duty,” but that “no specific legal duty exists” unless there is a special relationship between an officer and an individual, such as a person in custody.



The U.S. Supreme Court has also ruled that police have no specific obligation to protect.

In its 1989 decision in DeShaney v. Winnebago County Department of Social Services, the justices ruled that a social services department had no duty to protect a young boy from his abusive father.

In the 2005 case Castle Rock v. Gonzales, a woman sued the police for failing to protect her from her husband after he violated a restraining order and abducted and killed their three children.

Justices said the police had no such duty.

Most recently, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit upheld a lower court ruling that police could not be held liable for failing to protect students in the 2018 shooting that claimed 17 lives at Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida.

What kind of country is that?

Well, it is one that is inherently racist, biased, discriminatory, and carries a legacy and badge of slavery, which is what the United States of America was literally built upon.

At the end of the day, this policy ensures that, similar to a boiling frog approach, that the majority white male population wields the most power and is able to crush their tormentors, while minority and racial ethnicities are constantly targeted without justice, abused, extorted, blackmailed, victimized by crime and unethical acts, and other horrible experiences found at the bottom of the proverbial American social strata barrel.

The first step towards correcting a problem, is recognizing that it actually exists.

Rahul Manchanda

Rahul D. Manchanda, Esq, was ranked among Top Attorneys in the United States by Newsweek Magazine in 2012 and 2013. Manchanda worked for one of the largest law firms in Manhattan where he focused on asbestos litigation. At the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (“UNCITRAL”) in Vienna, Austria, Mr. Manchanda was exposed to international trade law, arbitration, alternative dispute resolution, and comparisons of the American common law with European civil law.

Comment:  Sounds like Secret Society Justices who don’t care about U.S. citizens but only care about fulfilling the racist agendas of the Secret Societies they belong to.  In the end ALL Secret Societies answer to the British Empire who has funded HUNDREDS if not THOUSANDS of Secret Societies the seemingly biggest one being Freemasons.  To get to the 33rd degree you have to murder.  I have been told this by TWO people, one whose Grandfather was a Satanist Freemason and another who knew a Freemason.   Tavistock used as a Social Engineering Institute has at least $6 BILLION in funding and was created by the Windsors, Rothschilds, and Rockefellers who then decided to fund Mind Control to force their victims to do things against their will such as Killing Others, Prostitution, Drug Carrying & Dealing, Spying, Etc.  To get their victims to do things against their will a variety of severe tortures were used (kinda like Vlad the Impaler) and their programming would take place after the Tortures.  The Yiddish British Empire expanded when they took over the United States and they are ZIONIST to the Core.  Our ZIONIST Media promotes Race Hatred Especially against Asians and One Minority we dare not criticize are Jews even as they Mass Murder Palestinians.

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