2nd to None Japanese Scientists & Doctors Warn Humanity & Bill Gates

Japanese PM Abe was murdered (I suspect by an MKULTRA created on a U.S. military base in Japan) for speaking out against the Vaccines.  He was not willing to Genocide all Japanese for the Death Cult:  British Empire & Rothschilds/Rockefellers Satanists.  These Satanists HATE everybody, steal all the resources of all countries, did the Native American Genocide, Russian Genocides, and Middle eastern Genocides, Genocides in Dresden & German POWs after WW2, Genocide of Japanese in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Genocides of Africans over and over and over again, Genocide Asians by Severe Poverty after Asset Stripping them and have scammed Americans out of over $50 TRILLION.

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