The Trump-Harris Debate; HOmala Represents the Screeching Lies of the Dying British Empire

For the most part I agree with most of the commentary in the bottom video.  But, IMAO both are Israel shills.  Who gives a fuck about Israel except for the CRIME syNDicate running Israel.  Israel was a Rothschild created scam to begin with created in the City of London by The Rothschilds with the Rothschild’s Balfour Declaration.  Both of these candidates are ZOG puppets.  Infostormer is telling the truth;  Kamala Harris lieslieslieslieslies.  PSYCHOPATH.  Trump is at least a Sociopath.  Both are their to further enrich their obscenely wealthy donors.  Period.  They will throw a few crumbs to the America voters to continue this charade.  The Donors will get Prime Rib.  The Voters get bread crumbs of day old bread.  David Icke comments below:

Going into last night’s debate, pollster Nate Silver predicted that Kamala Harris is likely to lose the Electoral College to Donald Trump.  Gerald Celente of Trends Journal has predicted a Kamala Harris win.  I have always seen Trump winning.  How Harris Did As Well As She Did:

Last But not Least;  Trump is Right about the alien mentally ill and prison inmates invading America:



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