Germans Thrown Under the Bus by U.S. and Merckel; Who Needs Allies Like the U.S.?

Volkswagen Considering Closure of German Factories

The U.S. degrades everybody with sanctions, invasions, wars no one wanted and rapes women and children overseas, funds NATO who rapes women and children overseas, has a rape epidemic in its own military and is a degenerate, callous , satanic piece of shit country.  The U.S. is the military arm of the Pedophile loving British Empire which is Actually the SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN provable in court.  The U.S. lied and lied and lied to the American people who believed all the lies because they believed their media was sacred not run by a crime syndicate.  The reverse is true.  Japan was begging for peace before nuking Pearl Harbor but the U.S. backed Japan into a corner with sanctions and later embargoes to starve Japan’s people to death.  It worked.  Many starved to death and died.  Americans have a hell of a heritage that they have supported.

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