Child Molestors Run Amerika and Americans are Oblivious

I Am Completely Censored on Google And I am Telling You Which Subjects Have Led to This; Donald Trump & Helga LaRouche (red) Both Programmers of Mind Controlled Slaves

Rule of Thumb:  ALL PROGRAMMERS ARE SADISTS AND MANY TORTURES INVOLVE SEX ABUSE OF CHILDREN as young as Infants.  They are ALL-100% Psychopaths.  Many of our Psychopaths become Presidents of the United States.  It is this way because the Rothschilds & British Monarchy & Empire LIKE it this way.  The Rothschilds, Windsors, & Rockefellers decided to fund MIND CONTROL decades ago and Tavistock too. (City of London)  MKULTRA in the United States was funded by Rockefellers.

These Tortured SLAVES are forced to have sex with our degenerate, pervert politicians like Joe Biden but ALL are pedophiles.  Richard Nixon was sadistically raping a six year old girl now whistleblower Fiona Barnett who has written a book about her horrible life as a monarch slave.  If you want to know how dirty the U.S. Gov’t really is here is a great link:  Donald Trump is dirty too otherwise our ZIONIST controllers would not be funding him.  They are all dirty.  Only one Congressman Massie of Ky in the Whole United States does not have a Zionist Handler.  SAD!!!  The U.S. is thoroughly controlled by British Empire SECRET SOCIETY SATANISTS (don’t you see a Freemason Lodge in every village?)  The lower Freemasons join to get ahead in business;  they don’t realize the people at the top are all Luciferians or Satanists.  The Former Monarch Slaves themselves are the Explosive Whistleblowers.  America had better listen before it is too late!

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