U.S. Dollar Will Soon Be As Worthless as Monopoly Money-Stock Up Now on Real Assets!


Although I believe in Gold, Silver, Commodities & Food/Water.   I don’t actually like cryptos now b/c Cryptos are investing in U.S. Debt, Crypto Exchanges charge OUTRAGEOUS fees cutting into profits enormously and they are inherently dishonest crooks all being connected to the crime cabal.  The U.S. MUST Join the BRICS to save itself.  To Me Kiyosaki is a part of the Cabal;  he pushes Cryptos and doesn’t expose the CIA control over the U.S. working for the British Empire.  He doesn’t mention We have been Begged by Russia and China to join the BRICs instead promoting China as the Enemy;  this is Classic Cabal Member Rhetoric.  I don’t believe any Presidential Candidate such as RFK Jr or Trump has the answers as Both are controlled by the ZIONISTS who have destroyed America.

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