The Truth About Elon Musk/Big Tech & No I Don’t Believe Everyone Will Be Wiped Out in 21 Days

  1.   All Philanthropy funded by Oligarchs is towards an Agenda of Worldwide Control & Slavery for us-the Masses.

  2.   All Big Tech gets Taxpayer money via Military/Industrial Complex-the Deep State.

  3.   All Big Tech IS Deep State.

  4.   All Billionaires are spawned by the Deep State and are Deep State Created Billionaires dependent on Taxpayer Money.

  5.   The Bronfman’s are Crime, Inc.  One of the Bronfman sisters recently earned a Felony conviction for a charge related to her Human Trafficking.

  6.   Unknown to the common people ALL BILLIONAIRES are involved with human trafficking.  They Use & Abuse CIA monarch SLAVES.  See Randy Turner’s FB Page:

  8. The US military has been working on the same technology Elon is to implant computer chips into human brains, we started doing it in underground facilities years ago, they figured the Chinese would be doing it and didn’t want them to get advanced over US technology using humans, not sure how advanced we are but cyborgs are going to be a thing, you can count on it, as long as the military has its way and it always will, then they may already have some in underground bases being used for all kinds of things.  (Same thing Elon Musk is working on.)
  9. Elon Musk spends 43Billion on Twitter, a week later the
    US Gov sends 40 Billion to Ukraine….. Wonder if Elon made that check out to the CIA I mean The Vanguard Group… And they say our Government doesn’t control our media 😆
  10. In the 1990s I started a company with Elon and his brother Kimbal called Zip2. I knew Elon’s Parents from when I was stationed in South Africa. I let Elons brother Kimbal live at my house, Elon worked nights and would come shower and sometimes sleep during the day while me and Kimbal worked at the office. I acquired 2 investors and invested myself. We were working on mapping the entire country digitally on the computer that could be used in automobiles, This is where GPS navigation started as the company was most likely sold to a company like Garmin but I was scammed out of my share of the sale and left owning investors. Kimbal was sleeping with my ex Angelina Jolie who got Kimbal to scam me and leave me in bankruptcy. Kimbal claimed the phone company was interested in ZIP2 and claimed they switched to working with the yellow pages and claimed the deal fell apart, I was left to pay back the investors and ended up bankrupt from it. Kimbal realized I might see this podcast and ran in to cover up the scam he and Angelina pulled to scam me out of the sale of my idea they basically robbed from me when I was helping them. Without me Elon would not be where he is today. Also a little revenge info for you all. Angelina Jolies twins are not Brad Pitts they are either Kimbal Musks or Elons kids, if you don’t believe me take a look at them 🙂 The idea of making digital navigation system was mine, having it in your car with businesses names and house address was all my brain child like so many of the businesses I started, Netflix, Facebook are two others I started that were robbed from me.
  11. Meet Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt's 6 kids
  12. Bottom Right twin is spitting image of Elon Musk b/c as an insider has said he IS Elon Musk’s son.Elon Musk - New Mexico Museum of Space HistoryWhat was Elon Musk like while growing up? - QuoraMusk as a boy.

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