Mr. Kezerashvili Lives in 80 MILLION Pound House From Scamming Elderly & Poor in London

Selling Financial Products Through Their Milton Group, Stealing From Investors Via Cryptocurrencies and Cash using unsuspecting college students, etc. at Call Centers.  Offshore accounts need to be made Transparent.  When the bosses of the Call Centers are tipped off about coming raids it means the Lawyers representing these criminals have high level contacts in the Justice Depts.

These same criminals came up in the Panama Papers in 2016 with many offshore companies.  Mr. Kezerashvili was a very Corrupt Georgia Defense minister who cannot return to his country.  The British REFUSE to Extradite him!  He has likely paid bribes to the very corrupt British Courts.  Kezerashvili was dismissed as defence minister and later convicted in absentia for embezzling more than €5m of government funds. By the time of his conviction, he was living in London and the UK turned down a request from Georgia for his extradition.   He is now scamming pensioners & elderly with his crypto networks and shell companies to move their money into Nations with weak or nonexistent Financial Protections for the Consumers.  Shell Corporations are Outright Fraud and should be illegal!  They are a haven for criminals.EverFX is an unregulated investment firm that was part of a global scam network called the Milton Group. The Milton Group used EverFX as its public face to lure people in with promises of easy profits in the foreign exchange market (Forex). However, investigators found that EverFX was not a legitimate investment firm and didn’t have a real trading platform. Instead, customers saw a manipulated interface that gave the illusion of successful trades while their money disappeared


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