Evil History Shows America to Be No Hero

How can you not mention America’s daylight bombings of German cities using bunker busters then waiting for the surviving civilians to appear from the rubble so they can bomb them again? The rape and murder of German women and children by American soldiers. The bombing of a concentration near the end of the war by US pilots. The strafing of animals and German civilians trying to escape war torn areas. Or the 1.5 million German POWs who Eisenhower beat or starved to death deliberately. America did not observe the Geneva Conventions in WWII while Germany did. No historical revisionism will ever change that. Hiroshima and Nagasaki were two Christian cities. How heroic the Greatest Generation was. The real greatest generation didn’t help the communists destroy Japan, Italy and Germany. The greatest generation were the people who stood up to the communists and all the civilian men, women and children lost in WWII because the Military Industrial Complex chose to ignore the Geneva Conventions.

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